
Showing posts from September, 2016

Saoji xray andheri

102, 1st Floor, Manish Tower, Four Bunglow, JP Rd, Manish Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053 022 2635 3052 Less crowded than the rest and building has lift

Sonography andheri west best place

I tried arc,nm medical. Don't even think of going to Ambani hospital they are booked two months in advance. Nm medical is the fastest but reporting is not as detailed as arc. Arc needs booking but reporting is the best after trying both for more than 5 times   

Gastro follow up

Mebiz Sr  Capsule is indicated for the treatment of bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, gas, cramps in the stomach Sompraz 40mg  tablet (not omeprazole) is used to treat acidity ( dyspepsia), gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD, These two medicines came to 700 rupees  plus 1000 for doctor.pharma is making a killing just as the stock guy Jun Jun walla predicted All this because the state government has not filled the fssai food administration vacancies and 80% of restaurants in Maharashtra server reheated make food .not sold today? Back in the freezer.reheat to-morrow. Small hotels hide this by  asking sambar over idli wada?  Hot sambar spicy water hide the stale idli wada like in the restaurant opposite national park borivali

Check up

[26/09 03:08] ā€Ŗ+91 98198 90433ā€¬: Dr.amit sharma, Health First Advanced Cardiac and Pediatric care clinic 101, Casa blanca, plot no 130, 10th gul mohar cross road, Jvpd , vile parle west, opp Sujay hospital .. Tel- 022 26706622 022 26206691 [26/09 03:08] ā€Ŗ+91 98198 90433ā€¬: Prior registration is a must though🙏 [26/09 03:08] ā€Ŗ+91 98198 90433ā€¬: This thurs 29th sept , on the occasion of world heart day,  we are having free cardiac camp with FBS, lipid profile and ECG at clinic from 9am to 11 am .. Call at clinic and register your family members

Suchak hospital malad

Suchak Hospital 186, Manchubhai Road Malad(East), Mumbai ā€“ 400097 Tel : +91 22 6649 4949 / 2889 1484 / 2889 2669 Email :

Usg kub

6 hour fast is required prior to the test, and 1 litre of water needs to be drunk 1 hour prior to the allocated appointment time

Gastro prescription

Sompraz  (Esomeprazole) is prescribed to help conditions where too much acid is present in the stomach. .. Ornidazole  are two prescription antibiotics that can be used either separately or combined to fight certain infections. ZENTEL  is indicated in the treatment of single or mixed intestinal parasites.  Cyclopam  Tablet is indicated for the treatment of pain in stomach, pain in abdomen, Cost 200 rupees approx Blood test Cbc Crp Sgpt Cost 1000 rupees  approx Back pain upper back pain can be due to stomach problems and not only muscle pain as most doctors say

Criticare September 2016

No appointment needed for opd.but you have to go earlier to get seen early. So if the doctor sits at 4 pm you need to go there at starts at 4 pm. . The site is really bad .you can't make out what is the opd timings of the doctors. September 2016 the crowd has increased a lot.are more mumbaikaars getting ill? Ambani is better but you can see timings there also. You can sms and they will call back.dymbass could just make the system orderly and make the patients sit in a line.the 6 patients were so angry and stressed because they had to crowd around this ghati compounder to list their names Dr saumil shah has a terrible appointment system . There is no system .the guy on the appointment call says come at work. 2.30 .then when you reach criticare they say wait till 3pm .at 3pm after you have waited 50 minutes and 10 people come at 3pm .fucka taking the appointment a fuka rude ghati .takes people out of turn.

Vegetables the reason for most Indian cancers

The Great Indian Vegetable Scam - 101 Underground !! Please watch this 3 minutes video published today by 101 portal at Silicone spray, coloured dye and Oxytocin injections: What farmers are doing to make stale veggies look fresh!!! Next time you reach for the biggest, shiniest or freshest looking vegetable on the cart, think about what may have been added to it. The shocking revelations of a vegetable farmer just outside New Delhi show us the additives, injections and sprays used to make old vegetables look fresh. And according to him, he isn't the only one. All farmers do this, he says. With rising inflation and families to feed, he says poor farmers such as himself are left with no option when consumers reject even fresh, hygienic vegetables. Silicone spray makes the vegetables look shiny and fresh, even when it's actually a few days old. Malachite green, a manufacturing dye, is ad...

Physio prakash shroff khar

Physiohealth Ground Floor, East View C.H.S Ltd., Corner of 4th Road, Next to Union Bank of India, Khar (W), Mumbai-400 052. Tel :  +91-22-2604 3336 Cell  : +91-7738 200600 Email : Clinic Timings : Morning 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Evening 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Saturday Evening and Sunday Closed

Less doctors