
Showing posts from March, 2017

Temples mosques should start mohali mohalla clinics

After seeing the poor patients problems at Sion hospital and kem hospital. I really believe God/Allah would be happy if the donations given at the church/temple/mosque was used to start mohalla clinics .numbers of medical training colleges need to be increases.more state budget needs to be used to purchase xray mri scanners and kept at mohalla clinics

India needs robotic doctord

Waiting for 2 hours for a simple prescription makes me hope there will be more robotic doctors the the future. It should be simpler .input a set of questions Suggest tests for the same Get the tests and scans done by robots Gets the robots to diagnose the data Output prescriptions

Global hospital opd on strike

Just got a call saying my opd appointment was cancelled because of the doctors strike 24th March 2017

99% doctor's giving antibiotics without testing sensitivity

Over the past 2 years I have had 3_4 doses of antibiotics given without sensitivity tests .I felt better for a while then again it became worse.finally a doctor did a culture and sensitivity test and found the stephalloccous bacteria resist to a whole number of antibiotics. On top of this many doctors are labelling patient symptoms psychosomatic and prescribing anti depressants.

Scam ointment?

Take Takfa Forte costs 335 rupees has almost nothing in the tube!! B muce sold instead of t bact  does not feel it's has the same ingredients

Doctors do not explain medication prescribed

Dr s n : you just take what I write here.i know better or you? Dr d d : you can check it online Huge resistance to patients complaints about side effects or unavailability of a particular  brand

Statins hairloss ā€œYes, statin drugs contribute to human hair lossā€. Graveline says that drug companies do not mention this on their disclaimers because most people consider hair loss as very important and so hair loss becomes ā€œa threat to marketingā€. - See more at:

Fenofibrate grey hair  In contrast, several other compounds downregulate the expression of melanogenesis-related proteins to repress the melanin synthesis in melanocytes, such as lipoic acid, retinoic acid, fenofibrate and hispolon Fenofibrate suppresses melanogenesis  in B16-F10 melanoma cells via activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protei

Dr utpal durve dermatologist mumbai


Shaving blades at hairdressers spreading bacteria

If a guy has stap on hos face and the hairdresser shaves .the face bleeds and then the hairdresser applies the common alum. Which is refused on another 100

Dr durve skin specialist dn nagar andheri west

Durve Skin  & Laser Centre, Sitaladevi Society , 104, B Wing, Link Road,  Andheri West , Mumbai - 400053, Opposite Indian Oil Nagar  Charges 600 no change. 2nd visit 400 in cash only Long wait times .10 by 6 pm-8 pm Normal wait time 1 hour Doctor arrives at 5.30 pm and sees medical reps till 6.when he sees the first patient 500 rs consultation at criticare  4-6 pm No longer sits at criticare as of may 2017 On leave till 19th may 2017

Criticare hospital juhu doctors timings


When psychosomatic diagnosis are somstic

Patient asks Dr d cardiologist in vile parle . Doctor my pulses is falling to 55 measured on a digital pulse meter Dr d to patient "you are imagining things" Later after months of suffering patient does a Widal and finds typhi h WTF?? Vibration in the lower intestine area .Same bacteria?