
Showing posts from 2019

olanzapine and clozapine increases body weight

Antipsychotics Ranked for Adverse Metabolic Effects. Six weeks of treatment with olanzapine and clozapine increases body weight by about 3 kg and triglycerides by 88.5 mg/dL.  Metabolic monitoring should accompany antipsychotic prescription. in india all doctors write anti psychotic drugs indiscrimately IF you complain too much. so when you are in pain and the doctors prescription is not working DO NOT COplain or you will be prescribed antipsychotics (take at nigh, to sleep that is all you will be told) . This has happened to me by surgeon lilavati  post hernia surgery visit and pain in pelvis urologist k hospital andheri pain in pelvis surgeon hloly family pain in pelvis consulting cardiologist at criticare juhu said it is all in your mind see a councellor .

roseday F contains titanium dioxide and affects your gut

So this cardiologist from criticare andheri  prescribed  roseday F 10 for cholesterol and trigycerides . I kept telling him i do not feel ok. He kept poo pooing it as nothing is wrong with you and go see a councellor ? wtf?? This study presents pivotal evidence that consumption of food containing food additive E171 ( titanium dioxide ) affects  gut  microbiota as well as inflammation in the  gut , which could lead to diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases and colorectal cancer," "This study investigated effects of titanium dioxide on gut health in mice and found that titanium dioxide did not change the composition of gut microbiota, but instead it affected bacteria activity and promoted their growth in a form of undesired biofilm. Biofilms are bacteria that stick together and the formation of biofilm has been reported in diseases such as colorectal cancer," said Associate Professor Macia, who is an immunologist expert on the impacts of the gut and gut...

Things which helped me fight pelvic pain after antibiotics

laxopeg powder bring water to the gut gut renew capsule - helps the gut Vizylac capsule helps the gut

Indian doctors prescribing pregabalin when they cant make a diagnosis

After being in severe pelvic  pain due to slow constipation (diagnosed and fixed by myself ) and being prescribed pregabalin and nervmax to sleep. feeling spaced out and brain numb. They did CT scan, 5 ultrasounds ,proctoscopy, Seeing this prescribed to my mom who had numbness on her feet for years(fixed after self diagnosis of celiac disease and changing diet and no glutens (all caused due to antibiotics) . in some "big" hospitals who have a "pain doctor" all doctors who can't figure out the diagnoses will direct you to the pain specialists who give you morphine or others "drugs" Pregabalin Tablet, Pregabalin (75 mg) + Methylcobalamin (750 mcg) NOT ANY MORE. BUT when will india catch up? Pregabalin and gabapentin become controlled drugs to cut deaths from misuse Whilst orig...

Indian Hospitals and Doctors are the cause of bacteria destruction and resistance

In May 2010, a man who had had dialysis in India was found to have E. coli expressing NDM-1. The following year, a study published by Lancet Infectious Diseases showed NDM-1 positive bacteria present not just in hospitals but also in the environment in a 12-kilometre radius around central New Delhi ā€” even in drinking water samples. after getting kelbsiela after a proctoscope and seeing the quality of village type assistants who bring the equipment to the doctor . I knew there was NO hope . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the below was due to primarily doctors prescribing antibiotics and having NO clue on how their prescription or diagnosis would destroy the guy bacteria and the connection between the gut bacteria and below conditions. none of them are taught this in medical school (research is still in its nascent stage) 16 years...

The Gut bacteria link

fibromyalgia Gut bacteria associated with chronic pain for first time People with fibromyalgia show variations in microbiome composition a. Approximately 20 different species of bacteria were found in either greater or are lesser quantities in the microbiomes of participants suffering from the disease than in the healthy control group. The Role of Microbiome in Insomnia Toxoplasma  While these are primarily diseases involving altered brain functioning, numerous studies have documented increased rates of gastrointestinal inflammation and dysfunction in many individuals with these disorders. The Microbiome in Connective Tissue Diseases and Vasculitides : An Updated Narrative Review Lupus strongly linked to imbalances in gut microbiome The di...

Are doctors or interns in BYL Nair Hospital fudging patient data

reading the article on  Dr Payal Tadvi . what caught my eye was information on the patients  puts fake bp  fake hb (haemoglobin)  fake bp, that too for a patient in labour 7.7 hb has been made into 10 inj. FCM says 1 gm, she puts 500 why are they giving HM (no idea what this is) Ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) is a parenteral iron preparation with characteristics that allow larger single doses to be administered over a shorter infusion period compared with existing IV iron preparations. CM can be rapidly infused (15 minutes or less) in large single doses (up to 1000 mg; 20 mg/kg) .

Qgold capsule ingredients

Ubidecarenone usp cq10 100 mg Lycopene UPS 5000 mcg Omega-3 EPA 90 mg DHA 60 mg Piperine 5 mg Carotenoids 10.33 mg Wheat-germ oil 25 mg Calcium Ascorbate 75 mg Vitamin B12 5 mcg zinc sulphate monohydrate 27.45 mg

Eltroxin tablets

Summary of Important Information for Health Care Practitioners: 1. Eltroxin tablets should be taken on an empty stomach,  Following oral administration, the absorption of levothyroxine is incomplete and variable especially when taken with food. The amount absorbed increases during fasting conditions. To ensure that Eltroxin is taken on an empty stomach,  it is recommended that it be taken at least one-half hour before  breakfast. 2. Eltroxin tablets should be swallowed whole, and taken with a full glass of water.  it is recommended that Eltroxin tablets are swallowed whole. Taking the tablet with a full glass of water will also ensure that the tablet is more easily swallowed before it can unintentionally dissolve in the mouth. 3. Doses requiring 25mcg increments should be administered using alternate day dosing of 50mcg tablets (as described in the following table). DAILY DOSE DOSING REGIMEN 25 microgram One 50 microgram tablet on alte...

Dr Christopher D'Souza ent mumbai

9820150897 or 9820056230 Lilavati Hospital 2 nd  Floor, ENT Clinic, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra(W), Mumbai 400050 Tuesday and Thursday Morning 8.00 am to 10 am By appointment only Wednesday and Saturday Evening 5.00 pm to 6.45 pm Walk in patients can be accommodated Address: Lilavati Hospital, A-791, Bandra Reclamation Rd, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050 Phone: 022 2675 1000 (2019 number) Holy Family Hospital 2 nd  Floor, Room C3, St Andrews Road, Bandra(W), Mumbai 400050 Monday to Saturday Evening 7.00pm to 9.00pm Walk in patients can be accommodated Phone: 022 6267 0555 Holy Spirit Hospital A-61, Ground Floor, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri(E), Mumbai 400093 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Afternoon 12.30pm to 2.00pm By appointment only Phone: 022 2824 8500

Bad experience at holy family hospital emergency

It was a holiday.opd was closed .aunt had high bp and headache . Nurse checks bp 160/90. Asks if patient has high bp. Yes Tell patient to take medicines and then come and see the doctor during opd after 2!!! And nurse at the emergency department in a very big hospital takes a call on the course of action for the patient on 26th jan .doctors on call names are listed there but nurse says cant call as there is a holiday today.there seems to be no checks and balances at the emergency ward at holy family have been warned by our personal experience december 2019 upDATE  Took paient for heaviness in the head.  check bloodpress . pay 90 rupees to get BP checked  bp 160/90 go home .

Dr manoj chedda hinduja endocrinologist