Indian doctors prescribing pregabalin when they cant make a diagnosis
After being in severe pelvic pain due to slow constipation (diagnosed and fixed by myself ) and being prescribed pregabalin and nervmax to sleep. feeling spaced out and brain numb. They did CT scan, 5 ultrasounds ,proctoscopy, Seeing this prescribed to my mom who had numbness on her feet for years(fixed after self diagnosis of celiac disease and changing diet and no glutens (all caused due to antibiotics) . in some "big" hospitals who have a "pain doctor" all doctors who can't figure out the diagnoses will direct you to the pain specialists who give you morphine or others "drugs" Pregabalin Tablet, Pregabalin (75 mg) + Methylcobalamin (750 mcg) NOT ANY MORE. BUT when will india catch up? Pregabalin and gabapentin become controlled drugs to cut deaths from misuse Whilst orig...