New guidelines urge wider use of cholesterol-lowering drugs to reduce heart attacks, strokes

Risk Factor Units Acceptable range of values Optimal values
Sex M (for males) or F (for females) M or F
Age years 20-79
Race AA (for African Americans) or WH (for whites or others) AA or WH
Total Cholesterol mg/dL 130-320 170
HDL-Cholesterol mg/dL 20-100 50
Systolic Blood Pressure mm Hg 90-200 110
Treatment for High Blood Pressure (if SBP >120) Y (for yes) or N (for no) Y or N N
Diabetes Y (for yes) or N (for no) Y or N N
Smoker Y (for yes) or N (for no) Y or N N

Guidelines on cholesterol:

Risk Assessment:

Cholesterol info:

Table 2. What’s New in the Guideline?*

Focus on ASCVD Risk Reduction: 4 statin benefit groups
• Based on a comprehensive set of data from RCTs that identified 4 statin benefit groups which focus
efforts to reduce ASCVD events in secondary and primary prevention.
• Identifies high-intensity and moderate-intensity statin therapy for use in secondary and primary
A New Perspective on LDL–C and/or Non-HDL–C Treatment Goals
• The Expert Panel was unable to find RCT evidence to support continued use of specific LDL–C and/or
non-HDL–C treatment targets.
• The appropriate intensity of statin therapy should be used to reduce ASCVD risk in those most likely to
• Nonstatin therapies do not provide acceptable ASCVD risk reduction benefits compared to their potential
for adverse effects in the routine prevention of ASCVD.
Global Risk Assessment for Primary Prevention
• This guideline recommends use of the new Pooled Cohort Equations to estimate 10-year ASCVD risk in
both white and black men and women.
• By more accurately identifying higher risk individuals for statin therapy, the guideline focuses statin
therapy on those most likely to benefit.
• It also indicates, based on RCT data, those high-risk groups that may not benefit.
• Before initiating statin therapy, this guideline recommends a discussion by clinician and patients.
Safety Recommendations
• This guideline used RCTs to identify important safety considerations in individuals receiving treatment
of blood cholesterol to reduce ASCVD risk.
• Using RCTs to determine statin adverse effects facilitates understanding of the net benefit from statin
• Provides expert guidance on management of statin-associated adverse effects, including muscle
Role of Biomarkers and Noninvasive Tests
• Treatment decisions in selected individuals who are not included in the 4 statin benefit groups may be
informed by other factors as recommended by the Risk Assessment Work Group guideline.
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Stone NJ, et al.
2013 ACC/AHA Blood Cholesterol Guideline
Future Updates to the Blood Cholesterol Guideline
• This is a comprehensive guideline for the evidence-based treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce
ASCVD risk.
• Future updates will build on this foundation to provide expert guidance on the management of complex
lipid disorders and incorporate refinements in risk stratification based on critical review of emerging
• RCTs comparing alternate treatment strategies are needed in order to inform future evidence-based
guidelines for the optimum ASCVD risk reduction approach.

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