Maharashtra hospitals to have rate cards soon Saturday, 7 June 2014
Hospitals in Maharashtra have to keep a rate card for treatment of different diseases soon.,d.c2E
to provide for the registration and regulation of clinical establishments in the State of
Maharashtra and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Preamble - W HEREAS , it is considered expedient to provide for the registration and
regulation of clinical establishments with a view to prescribe minimum standards of facilities
and services which may be provided by them to safeguard rights of patients’ and health care
providers. So that mandate of article 47 of the Constitution for improvement in public health
may be achieved;
Short title,
application and
1. (1) This Act may be called the Maharashtra Clinical Establishments
(Registration and Regulation) Bill, 2014.
(2) It applies to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.
Provided that different dates may be appointed for different categories
of clinical establishments and for different recognized system of medicine.
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,―
(a) ―authority‖ means the Local registering authority set-up under
section 10;
(b) ―certificate‖ means certificate of permanent registration issued
under section 30;
(c) ―clinical establishment‖ means―
(i) a hospital, maternity home, nursing home, dispensary,
clinic, sanatorium, wellness clinics, day care centers or an institution by
whatever name called that offers services, facilities requiring prevention,
diagnosis, treatment or care for illness, injury, deformity, abnormality or
pregnancy in any recognized system of medicine established and
administered or maintained by any person or body of persons, whether
incorporated or not; or
(ii) a place established as an independent entity or part of an
establishment referred to in sub-clause (i) in connection with the
prevention, diagnosis or treatment of diseases where pathological,
bacteriological, genetic, radiological, chemical, biological investigations
or other diagnostic or investigative services with the aid of laboratory or
other medical equipment, are usually carried on, established and
administered or maintained by any person or body of persons, whether
incorporated or not,
and shall include a clinical establishment owned, controlled or managed
(a) the Government or a department of the Government;
(b) a trust, whether public or private;
(c) a corporation (including a society) registered under a Central,
Provincial or State Act, whether or not owned by the Government;
(d) a local Public authority; and(e) a single doctor,
(d) ―emergency medical condition‖ means a medical condition manifesting
itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) of
such a nature that the absence of immediate medical attention could
reasonably be expected to result in-
(i) placing the health of the individual or, with respect to a pregnant
women, the health of the woman or her unborn child, in serious
jeopardy; or
(ii) serious impairment to bodily functions; or
(iii) serious dysfunction of any organ or part of a body;
(e) ―Council‖ means the State Council for clinical establishments
established under section 3;
(f) ―notification‖ means a notification published in the Official Gazette;
(g) ―prescribed‖ means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the
State Government;
(h) ―recognized system of medicine‖ means Allopathy, Ayurveda,
Homoeopathy, Yoga, Naturopathy, Siddha and Unani System of medicines
or any other system of medicine as may be recognized by the Central or
State Government and ― registered medical practitioner’’ means qualified
and registered personnel from ―recognized system of medicine‖
(i) ―register‖ means the register maintained by the authority, State
Government under sections 37, 38 of this Act containing the number of
clinical establishments registered;
(j) ―registration‖ means to register under section 11 and the expression
registration or registered shall be construed accordingly;
(k) ―rules‖ means rules made under this Act;
(l) ―standards‖ means the conditions that the State Government may
prescribe under section 13 subsection (2), for the registration of clinical
(m) ―to provide primary emergency first aid measures means, with respect
to an emergency medical condition specified in clause (d), to provide basic
primary emergency first aid treatment, within facilities prescribed before
the transfer of the individual from a clinical establishment.
3. (1) With effect from such date as the State Government may, by
notification appoint in this behalf, there shall be established for the
purposes of this Act, a Council to be called the State Council for clinical
(2) The State Council shall consist of―
(a) Director of Health Services, Government of Maharashtra, ex officio,
who shall be the Chairperson; Director of Medical Education and Research
ex officio, who shall be the co chairperson ;
(b) One representative from each council nominated by the―
Establishment of
state council..
(i) Maharashtra Dental Council constituted under section 3 of the
Dentists Act, 1948;
(ii) Maharashtra Medical Council constituted under section 3 of
the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956;
(iii) Maharashtra Nursing Council of India constituted under
section 3 of the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947;
(iv) Maharashtra homeopathic Council constituted under Bombay
Homeopathic practitioners Act 1959 amended 1980.
(v) Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine constituted under
Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act 1961.
(e) one representative to be nominated by the State Indian Medical
(i) one representative from the line of paramedical systems excluding
systems that have been given representation under clause (b);
(j) One representatives from Women’s organization working in Health
sector nominated by State Government
(k) Two representatives from NGO working in patients’ rights nominated
by State Government.
(l) one representative each from the Associations of Indian Systems of
Medicines relating to Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Siddha, Homeopathy
and Unani to be nominated by the State Government;
(j) one representative from the Medical consultants association.
(k) Full time officer not below rank of Assistant Director to assist the
(m) Joint Director (Hospitals) Member Secretary
(3) The nominated members of the State Council shall hold office for three
years but shall be eligible for re-nomination for maximum of one more
term of three years.
(4) The members of the State council shall be entitled for such allowances
as may be prescribed by the State Government.
(5) The State Council may, subject to the approval of the State
Government, make bye-laws fixing a quorum and regulating its own
procedure and the conduct of all business to be transacted by it.
(6) The functions of the State Council may be exercised notwithstanding
any vacancy therein.
(7) The State Government shall provide the State Council with, financial
assistance for manpower required and such other resources as the State
Government considers necessary required for execution of act.
4. A person shall be disqualified for being appointed as a member of the
State Council if he–
(a) has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence
which, in the opinion of the State Government, involves moral
turpitude; or
(b) is an undischarged insolvent; or
(c) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court;
(d) has been removed or dismissed from the service of the
Government or a Corporation owned or controlled by the
Government; or removed by respective council.
for appointment
as member.(e) has, in the opinion of the State Government, such financial or
other interest in the Council as is likely to affect prejudicially the
discharge by him of his functions as a member.
The State Council shall ―
(a) classify the clinical establishments into different categories;
(b) develop the templates for developing minimum standards and
minimum standards of clinical establishments by appointing
different committees and their periodic review;
(c) determine within a period of two years from its establishment, the
first set of standards for ensuring proper healthcare by the
clinical establishments;
(d) Safeguard the interests of patients and health care providers alike.
(e) Develop the data relevant to Public Health and statistics with its
periodicity and formats to be mandatorily provided from clinical
establishments by appointing committee and collect the
information in respect of clinical establishments;
(f) compile and publish a State Register of Clinical Establishments
within two years from the date of the commencement of this Act;
(g) Hearing of appeals from first appellate authority
(h) Sending periodic returns for updating National Register for
Clinical Establishments
(i) Publication on annual basis a report on the status of
implementation of the act.
(j) direct to cancel registration of such clinical establishments
where there is imminent danger to public health and the health
and safety of patients and staff;
(k) Suggest to the State government the penalty to be levied on the
concerned offence for the various categories of clinical
establishments which would include the nature, size and location
(l) perform any other function determined by the State Government
from time to time.
(m) Notify data relevant to Public Health which is mandatorily
provided by clinical establishments including their periodicity
and formats and make it available in Public domain.
6. The State Council may appoint any person or persons who are not
members of the State Council or committee as it deems fit, for such
periods, not exceeding two years whose assistance or advice it may desire
in carrying out any of the provisions of this Act or for the consideration of
particular matters . Power to seek
advice or
7. The State Council shall follow a consultative process for determining
the standards and for classification of clinical establishments in accordance
with such procedure as may be prescribed. State Council to
Authority for
Functions of
10. (1) The State Government shall, by notification, set-up an authority to
be called the Local registering authority for each district for registration of
clinical establishments, with the following members, namely:-Local registering authority
1. Medical Officer Health of Municipal
Corporation – Chairman
2. Deputy Medical Officer Health of Municipal
Corporation – Member Secretary.
3. Medical officer delegated this subject appointed
by Chairman - Member
1. Civil Surgeon – Chairman
2. Additional Civil Surgeon – Member Secretary
3. Medical officer delegated this subject
appointed by Chairman - Member
1. District Health Officer – Chairman
2. Additional District Health Officer – Member
3. Medical officer delegated this subject
appointed by Chairman - Member
corporation area
For Municipality
For other than
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), for the
purposes of provisional and final registration of clinical establishments
under section 15 and 25, the Medical officer Health of corporation, District
Health Officer or Civil Surgeon shall exercise the powers of the local
registering authority as per procedure that may be prescribed.
(3) The local registering authority shall perform the following functions,
(a) grant, renew, suspend or cancel registration of a clinical
(b) enforce compliance of the provisions of the Act and the rules
made thereunder;
(c) investigate complaints of breach of the provisions of the Act or
the rules made thereunder and take appropriate action;
(d) prepare and submit reports periodically of such nature as directed
by the state Council;
(e) report to the state Council on a quarterly basis the action taken
against non-registered clinical establishments;
(f) perform such other functions as may be prescribed.
(4) The State Government shall provide the Local Registration Authority
with required manpower, finances and such other resources as the State
Government considers necessary for the proper functioning of the council
and execution of the provisions of the act.
Registration for
establishments. 11. No person shall run a clinical establishment unless it has been duly
registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Condition for
registration and
continuation 12. (A) For temporary registration and continuation every clinical
establishment shall fulfil the criteria of
(i) minimum qualification and registration of concerned person under
management of clinical establishment.
(ii) owner on clinical establishment shall undertake to appoint qualified
and registered person of concerned category to run clinical establishment.
In case of noncompliance it will be responsibility of owner.
(B) For permanent registration and continuation, every clinical
establishment shall fulfil the following conditions, namely:―
(i) the minimum standards of facilities and services as may be prescribed;
(ii) the minimum qualification and requirement of personnel as may be
(iii) provisions for maintenance of records and reporting as may be
prescribed;(iv) Observance of charter of patients’ rights and responsibilities as may be
(v) Availability of rates of facilities and services.
(vi) Such other conditions as may be prescribed.
(vii) compliance with standards of safety, infection control and standard
treatment guidelines as may be prescribed. Standard treatment guidelines
as prescribed should be followed for which treating doctors will be
(C) Clinical establishment should provide basic primary emergency first
aid treatment, within facilities prescribed before the transfer of the
(D) In cases of advanced medical emergency treatment given to unknown
or unidentified patients, cost shall be reimbursed by Government as per
rates prescribed.
13. Clinical establishment of different systems shall be classified into
such categories, as may be suggested by the State council, from time to
time. Classification of
14. The State
conditions. Standards of
Council shall within a period of two years from its
may prescribe first set of standards of clinical
Provided that in prescribing the standards for clinical
the State Government shall have regard to the local
15. (1) All clinical establishments in Maharashtra shall be registered with
the authority under the provisions of this Act and the rules made there
(2) For the purposes of registration of the clinical establishment under
section 10, an application in the prescribed proforma along with the
prescribed fee shall be made to the authority.
(2) The application shall be filed in person or by post or online. In
charge of clinical establishment who will apply for registration of clinical
establishment should be minimum qualified and registered person of
concerned council. In case of company, owner shall apply, however the
qualified person to manage the clinical establishment is necessary. The
application should contain details of the qualified and registered personnel
where applicable and as prescribed.
(3) The application shall be made in such form and shall be accompanied
by such details as may be prescribed under this Act or rules made
(4) If any clinical establishment is in existence at the time of the
commencement of this Act, an application for its registration shall be
made within one year from the date of the commencement of this Act and
a clinical establishment which comes into existence after commencement
of this Act, shall apply for permanent registration within a period of six
months from the date of its establishment.
(5) If any clinical establishment is already registered under any existing
Application for
certificate of requiring registration of such establishments, even then it shall apply
for registration as referred to in section 15 sub-section (2).
(6) The Authority shall acknowledge the receipt of the application for
provisional registration or permanent registration as the case may be, in
such form as may be prescribed.
16. The authority shall, within a period of thirty days from the date of
receipt of such application, grant to the applicant a certificate of
provisional registration in such form and containing such particulars and
such information, as may be prescribed. If provisional registration is not
granted within 30 days, the clinical establishment shall be deemed to be
registered. Provisional
17. (1) The authority shall not conduct any inquiry prior to the grant of
provisional registration. However it should be verified by authority that
concerned person applying for provisional registration of clinical
establishment shall be ―registered medical practitioner.’’ of concerned
category of clinical establishment. No inquiry prior
to provisional
(2) Notwithstanding the grant of the provisional certificate of
registration, the authority shall publish in such manner, as may be
prescribed, all particulars of the clinical establishment.
18. Subject to the provisions of section 23, every provisional registration
shall be valid to the last day of the twelfth month from the date of issue of
the certificate of registration and such registration shall be renewable for
next one year. Validity of
19. The provisional or permanent certificate shall be kept affixed in a
conspicuous place in the clinical establishment in such manner so as to be
visible to every one visiting such establishment. Display of the
certificate of
20. In case the certificate is lost, destroyed, mutilated or damaged, the
authority shall issue a duplicate certificate on the request of the clinical
establishment and on the payment of such fees, as may be prescribed. Duplicate
Certificate to be
non-transferable. 21. (1) The certificate of registration shall be non-transferable.
(2) In the event of change of ownership or management, the clinical
establishment shall inform the authority of such change in such manner as
may be prescribed.
(3) In the event of change of category, or location, or on ceasing to
function as a clinical establishment, the certificate of registration in respect
of such clinical establishment shall be surrendered to the authority and the
clinical establishment shall apply afresh for grant of certificate of
(4) In the event of addition of facility to the clinical establishment, it
should be informed to authority immediately after of such event.
Difference in registration fees as prescribed may be paid to authority
within thirty days.
Publication of
expiry of
registration. 22. The authority shall also cause to be published within such time and in
such manner, as may be prescribed, the names of clinical establishments
whose provisional and permanent registration has expired.
Renewal of
registration. 23. The application for renewal of registration shall be made thirty days
before the expiry of the validity of the certificate of provisional
registration and, in case the application for renewal is made after the
expiry of the provisional registration, the authority shall allow renewal ofregistration on payment of such enhanced fees, as may be prescribed.
Time limit for
24. Where clinical establishments in respect of which standards have been
notified by the state Government, provisional registration shall not be
granted or renewed beyond
(i) the period of three years from the date of notification of the
standards in case of clinical establishments which came into
existence before the commencement of this Act;
(ii) the period of two years from the date of notification of the
standards for clinical establishments which come into existence
after the commencement of this Act but before the notification of
the standards; and
Application for
registration. 25. (1) Application for permanent registration of a clinical establishment
shall be made to the authority in form, manner and fees, as may be
prescribed under the rules of this act.
(2) The application for permanent registration shall be filed in person
or by post or online by the owner of the clinical establishment as the case
may be. The application should contain details of the qualified and
registered personnel where applicable and as prescribed.
Verification of
the application
for permanent
registration. 26. The clinical establishment shall submit evidence of having complied
with the prescribed minimum standards in such manner, as may be
Display of
information. 27. As soon as the clinical establishment submits the required evidence of
having complied with the prescribed minimum standards, the authority
shall cause to be displayed for information of the public at for a period of
thirty days before processing for grant of permanent registration. The
authority may cause inspection, if necessary.
Standards for
registration 28. Permanent registration shall be granted only when a clinical
establishment fulfils the prescribed standards for registration by the State
Allowing or
disallowing of
registration. 29. The authority shall pass an order immediately after the expiry of the
prescribed period and within the next thirty days thereafter either –
(a) allowing the application for permanent registration; or
(b) disallowing the application:
(c) No action on part of authority for sixty days will result in deemed
registration of clinical establishment.
Provided that the authority shall record its reasons and communicate to the
applicant, if it disallows an application, for permanent registration.
30. (1) The authority shall, if it, allows an application of the clinical
establishment, issue a certificate of permanent registration in such form
and containing such particulars, as may be prescribed.
(2) The certificate shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of
(3) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the provisions of sections 25, 26,
27 and 28 shall also apply.
(4) The applications for renewal of permanent registration shall be made
within three months before the expiry of the validity of the certificate of
Certificate of
registration.permanent registration and, in case the application of renewal is not
submitted within the stipulated period, the authority may allow renewal of
registration on payment of such enhanced fees and penalties as may be
31. The disallowing of an application for provisional and permanent
registration shall not debar a clinical establishment from reapplying after
compliance for permanent registration under section 25 and after providing
such evidence, as may be required, of having rectified the deficiencies on
which grounds the earlier application was disallowed with 30 days. Compliance for
provisional and
32. (1) If, at any time after any clinical establishment has been
provisionally registered, registration may be cancelled or suspended by
the authority or state Government if,―
(a) If criteria of qualification and registration of a person entrusted with the
management of the clinical establishment are not complied with
(b) If there is imminent danger to the safety of patients by the clinical
(c) the person entrusted with the management of the clinical establishment
has been convicted of an offence under any medical acts. Cancellation of
provisional and
(2) If, at any time after any clinical establishment has been permanently
registered registration may be cancelled or suspended by the authority or
state Government if,―
(a) the conditions of the registration are not being complied with;
(b) If there is imminent danger to the safety of patients by the
clinical establishment
(c) the person entrusted with the management of the clinical
establishment has been convicted of an offence punishable under this Act
refer section 39, it may issue a notice to the clinical establishment to show
cause within three months’ time as to why its registration under this Act
should not be cancelled for the reasons to be mentioned in the notice. This
shall apply to Clinical Establishment who is given provisional and
permanent registration as well.
(3) If after giving a reasonable opportunity to the clinical establishment,
the authority is satisfied that there has been a breach of any of the
provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder, it may, by an order,
without prejudice to any other action that it may take against such clinical
establishment, cancel its registration.
(4) Every order made under sub-section (3) shall take effect-
(a) where no appeal has been preferred against such order
immediately on the expiry of the period prescribed for such appeal; and
(b) where such appeal has been preferred and it has been dismissed
from the date of the order of such dismissal:
Provided that the authority, after cancellation of registration for reasons to
be recorded in writing, may restrain immediately the clinical establishment
from carrying on if there is imminent danger to the health and safety of
33. (1) The authority or an officer authorised by it shall have the right to
cause an inspection of, or inquiry in respect of any clinical establishment,
to be made by such multi-member inspection team as prescribed as it may
direct and to cause an inquiry to be made in respect of any other matter
connected with the clinical establishment and that establishment shall be
entitled to be represented there at with due notice.
(2) The authority shall communicate to the clinical establishment the
Inspection of
establishments.views of that authority with reference to the results of such inspection or
inquiry and may, after ascertaining the opinion of the clinical
establishment thereon, advise that establishment upon the action to be
(3) The clinical establishment shall report to the authority, the action,
if any, which is proposed to be taken or has been taken upon the results of
such inspection or inquiry and such report shall be furnished within such
time, as the authority may direct.
(4) Where the clinical establishment does not, within a reasonable
time, take action to the satisfaction of the authority, it may, after
considering any explanation furnished or representation made by the
clinical establishment, issue such directions within such time as indicated
in the direction, as that authority deems fit, and the clinical establishment
shall comply with such directions.
Power to enter. 34. The authority or an officer authorised by it may, if there is any reason
to suspect that anyone is carrying on a clinical establishment without
registration, enter and search in the manner prescribed, at any reasonable
time and the clinical establishment, shall offer reasonable facilities for
inspection or inquiry and be entitled to be represented thereat:
Provided that no such person shall enter the clinical establishment without
giving notice of his intention to do so.
Levy of fee by
Government. 35. The State Government may charge fees for different categories of
clinical establishments, as may be prescribed.
Appeal. 36. (1) Any person, aggrieved by an order of the registering authority
refusing to grant or renew a certificate of registration or revoking a
certificate of registration may, in such manner and within such period as
may be prescribed, prefer an appeal to the appropriate appellate body as
prescribed: Provided that the appropriate appellate body may entertain an
appeal preferred after the expiry of the prescribed period if it is satisfied
that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from preferring the
appeal in time.
(2) Every appeal under sub-section (1) shall be made in such form and
be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed.
(3) If a patient is aggrieved by violation of charter of patients’ rights
such a patient or his / her next of kin may complain to appropriate
appellate body as prescribed.
(4) Frivolous complaints shall be entitled for penalty as may be
Appellate authority for clinical establishments-
1) The Government shall by notification constitute the Appellate Body
for clinical establishments in each of the districts of the State.
Appellate authority
1. Commissioner Municipal Corporation – Chairman
2. Assistant Director (Medical) from Deputy Director
Office – Member Secretary.
3. Group A Class 1 Officer from corporation other than
MOH – Member
4. One representative of Indian Medical Association–
5. One representative from the Medical consultants association -
6. One representative from AYUSH - Member
7. One representative from NGO working for health–
8. One representative
1. Collector – Chairman
2. Assistant Director (Medical) from Deputy Director
Office – Member Secretary
3. Group A Class 1 Officer from Public Health
Department– Member
4. One representative of Indian Medical Association –
5. One representative from the Medical consultants association.
6. One representative from AYUSH - Member
7. One representative from NGO working for health
rights - Member
8. One representative from women’s organization -
2) The appointed members of the Appellate authority shall hold office
for a term of three years, but shall be eligible for re-appointment for
maximum of one more term of three years.
Provided that the appointed person shall hold office for so long as he/she
holds the appointment of the office by virtue of which s/he was appointed
to the local Appellate Body.
3) The members of the Appellate authority shall be entitled for such
allowances as may be prescribed by the Government.
4) The Appellate authority shall meet at least once in a two months or if
necessary as and when required.
5) The functions of the Appellate authority may be exercised
notwithstanding any vacancy therein.
6) The Government shall provide the Appellate authority with such other
staff and budget as are
7) The Appellate authority may seek the assistance of any expert person or
body whose assistance or advice it may desire in carrying out it’s function
8) Disqualifications for appointment as member of Appellate authority for
clinical establishments – A person shall be disqualified for being
appointed as a member of the District Appellate Body if the person—
(a) has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence
which, in the opinion of the Government, involves moral turpitude; or
(b) is an undischarged insolvent; or
(c) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or
(d) has been removed or dismissed from the service of the Government or
a Corporation owned or controlled by the Government; or
(e) has, in the opinion of the Government, such financial or other interest
in the Council as is likely to affect prejudicially the discharge by him of
his functions as a member.
9. Functions of the Appellate authority –
The Appellate authority shall hear and dispose of appeals by clinical
establishments against the orders of local regulatory authority and
complaint about violation of Charter of Patients’ Rights, responsibilities
and of minimum standards.
37. (1) The authority shall within a period of two years from its
establishment, compile, publish and maintain in digital format a register of
clinical establishments, registered by it and it shall enter the particulars of
the certificate so issued in a register to be maintained in such form and
manner, as may be prescribed by the State Government.(2) Each authority shall supply in digital format to the State Council
of clinical establishments a copy of every entry made in the register of
clinical establishments in such manner, as may be prescribed to ensure that
the State Register is constantly up-to-date.
Maintenance of
State register of
38. (1) Every State shall maintain in digital and in such form and
containing such particulars, as may be prescribed to be known as the State
Register of clinical establishments in respect of clinical establishments of
that State.
(2) Every State Government shall supply in digital format to the
central Government, a copy of the State Register of clinical establishments
and shall inform the Central Government all additions to and other
amendments in such register made, for a particular month by the 15 th day
of the following month.
39. Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act shall, if no penalty is
provided elsewhere, be punishable for the first offence with fine which
may extend to five thousand rupees, for any second offence with fine
which may extend to ten thousand rupees and for any subsequent offence
with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees or process of closure
of clinical establishment.
40. (1) Whoever carries on a clinical establishment without registration
shall, on first conviction, be liable to a monetary penalty up to ten
thousand rupees and for further contravention with a monetary penalty
which may extend to twenty five thousand rupees or process of closure of
clinical establishment. Appeals if any may be disposed of before initiating
the process as above. Carrying out clinical establishment without
registration means either not applied or not renewed registration.
(2) Any registered medical practitioner knowingly serves in a clinical
establishment which is not duly registered under this Act, shall be liable to
a monetary penalty which may extend to twenty-five thousand rupees.
(3) For the purpose of adjudging under sub-sections (1) and (2), the
authority shall hold an inquiry in prescribed manner after giving any
person concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard for the purpose
of imposing any monetary penalty.
(4) While holding an inquiry the authority shall have power to
summon and enforce the attendance of any person acquainted with the
facts and circumstances of the case to give evidence or to produce any
document which in the opinion of the authority, may be useful for or
relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry and if, on such inquiry, it is
satisfied that the person has failed to comply with the provisions specified
in sub-sections (1) and (2), it may by order impose the monetary penalty
specified in those sub-sections to be deposited within thirty days of the
order in the account referred to in sub-section (8) of section 42.
(5) While determining the quantum of monetary penalty, the authority
shall take into account the category, size and type of the clinical
establishment and local conditions of the area in which the establishment
is situated.
penalty for
non-registration.(6) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the authority if desired
shall prefer an appeal to the appropriate forum within a period of three
months from the date of the said decision. During this period the decision
of authority will be on hold.
(7) The manner of filling the appeal referred to in sub-section (6) shall
be such as may be prescribed.
41. (1) Whoever wilfully disobeys any direction lawfully given by any
person or authority empowered under this Act to give such direction, or
obstructs any person or authority in the discharge of any functions which
such person or authority is required or empowered under this Act to
discharge, shall be liable to a monetary penalty which may extend up to
twenty five thousand rupees.
(2) Whoever being required by or under this Act to supply any
information wilfully withholds such information or gives information
which he knows to be false or which he does not believe to be true, shall
be liable to monetary penalty which may extend up to one lakh rupees.
(3) (i) For the purpose of adjudging under sub-sections (1) and (2), the
authority shall hold an inquiry in the prescribed manner after giving any
person concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard for the purpose
of imposing any monetary penalty.
(ii) While determining the quantum of monetary penalty, the Local
authority shall take into account the category, size and type of the clinical
establishment and local conditions of the area in which the establishment
is situated as prescribed.
(4) While holding an inquiry the authority shall have power to
summon and enforce the attendance of any person acquainted with the
facts and circumstance of the case to give evidence or to produce any
document which in the opinion of the authority, may be useful for or
relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry and if, on such inquiry, it is
satisfied that the person has failed to comply with the provisions specified
in sub-sections (1) an (2), it may by order impose the monetary penalty
specified in those sub-sections to be deposited within thirty days of the
order in the account referred to in sub-section (8)
(6) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the authority may prefer
an appeal to the with appropriate forum a period of three months from the
date of the said decision.
(7) The manner of filing the appeal referred to in sub-section (6) shall
be such as may be prescribed.
(8) The monetary penalty levied under sections 41 and 42 shall be
credited to such account as the State Government may by order specify in
this behalf.
Penalty for
deficiencies . 42. Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act or any rule made
thereunder resulting in deficiencies that do not pose any imminent danger
to the health and safety of any patient and can be rectified within a
reasonable time, shall be punishable with fine that may extend to one
thousand rupees.
by companies. 43. (1) Where a person committing contravention of any of the provisions
Disobedience of
obstruction and
refusal of
information.of this Act or of any rule made thereunder is a company, every person
who, at the time the contravention was committed, was in charge of, and
was responsible to the company for the conduct of the business of the
company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the
contravention and shall be liable to fine:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any
such person liable to any punishment if he proves that the contravention
was committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commission of such contravention if authority is
satisfied to that effect.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where a
contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule made
thereunder has been committed by a company and it is proved that the
contravention has taken place with the consent or connivance of, or is
attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary
or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other
officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of that contravention and shall be
liable to fine.
Explanation.― For the purposes of this section,―
(a) ―company‖ means a body corporate and includes a firm
or other association of individuals; and
(n) ―director‖, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm.
Offences by
Departments. 44. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by any
Department of Government within a period of six months after the
commencement of this Act, the Head of the Department shall be deemed
to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and
punished accordingly:
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall render such Head
of the Department liable to any punishment if he proves that the offence
was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where an
offence under this Act has been committed by a Department of
Government and it is proved that the offence has been committed with the
consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of,
any officer, other than the Head of the Department, such officer shall also
be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded
against and punished accordingly.
Recovery of
fine. 45. Whoever fails to pay the fine, Appellate authority may prepare a
certificate signed by an officer authorised by it specifying the fine due
from such person and send it to the Collector of the District in which such
person owns any property or resides or carries on his business and the said
Collector, on receipt of such certificate, shall proceed to recover from such
person the amount specified thereunder, as if it were an arrear of land
46. (1) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against
any authority or any member of the local registering authority or any
officer authorised on his behalf in respect of anything, which is in good
Protection of
action taken in
good done or intended to be done in pursuance of the provisions of this Act
or any rule made thereunder.
(2) No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against a State
Government in respect of any loss or damage caused or likely to be caused
by anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in
pursuance of the provisions of this Act or any rule made thereunder.
47. Every clinical establishment shall, within such time or within such
extended time, as may be prescribed in that behalf, furnish to the authority
or the State Council such returns or the statistics and other information in
such manner, as may be prescribed by the State Government, from time to
time. Furnishing of
returns, etc.
48. Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Act, the
authority shall have the power to issue such directions, including
furnishing returns, statistics and other information for the proper
functioning of clinical establishments and such directions shall be binding. Power to give
directions .
49. Every employee of the authority and the state Council or appropriate
forums shall be deemed to, when acting or purporting to act in pursuance
of any of the provisions of this Act, be public servants within the meaning
of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. Employees of
the authority,
etc. to be public
50. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this
Act, the State Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette,
make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as
may appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removal of the difficulty: Power to remove
Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a
period of two years from the date of commencement of this Act.
(2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after
it is made, be laid before each House of State Legislature.
Laying of rules. 51. Every rule made by the State Government under this Act shall be
laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each State legislature, while
it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in
one session or in two or more successive sessions and if, before the expiry
of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions
aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or
both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall
thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the
case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall
be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that
Power of State
Government to
make rules. 52.
(1) The State Government may, by notification, make rules for
carrying out all or any of the provisions of this Act
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following
matters, namely.―
1. allowances for the members of the State Council under
sub-section (4) of section 3;
2. Consultative process to be followed for determining standards
and classification of clinical establishments under section 7;
3. the procedure under which the powers of the local registration
authority may be exercised for the purpose of provisional
registration of clinical establishment
4. the minimum standards of facilities and services under clause (i)of section 12;
5. the minimum number of personnel under clause (ii) of section 12;
the maintenance of records and reporting by the clinical
establishment under clause (iii) of section 12;
6. other conditions for registration and continuation of clinical
establishment under clause (iv) of section 12;
7. classification of clinical establishment under section 13;
8. the different standards for classification of clinical establishments
under sub-section (1) of section 13;
9. the minimum standards for permanent registration under section
10. the form and particulars to be contained in the register to be
maintained under section 38.
11. the proforma and the fee to be paid for registration under sub-
section (l) of section 15;
12. the form and details of application under sub-section (3) of
section 15;
13. the particulars and information contained in certificate of
provisional registration under section16;
14. the manner of publication of all particulars of the clinical
establishments proposed to be registered under sub-section (2)
of section 27;
15. the fees to be paid to issue a duplicate certificate under section
16. the change of ownership or management to be informed by the
clinical establishment to the authority under sub-section (2) of
section 20;
17. the manner in which the authority shall publish the names of the
clinical establishments whose registration expired under
subclause (2) of section 21;
18. the enhanced fees to be charged for renewal after expiry of
provisional registration under section 23
19. the form of the application and fees to be charged by the State
Government for provisional registration under section 15 (1) for
permanent registration under section 25;
20. the manner of submitting evidence of the clinical establishments
having complied with the minimum standards under section 26;
21. Manner and time of publication of expiry of registration
specified in section 22;
22. the form and particulars of the certificate of registration under
section 30 (1);
23. period and manner within which an appeal shall be preferred
under clause (a) of sub-section (1) (2) (3) (4) of section 36;
24. the manner of entry and search of clinical establishment under
section 34;
25. the fees to be charged by the State Government for different
categories of clinical establishments under section 35
26. the manner and the period within which an appeal may be
preferred to the State Council under section 5 (g);
27. the form and the manner in which the register to be maintained
under sub-section (1) of section 38;
28. the manner of supply to the State Council in digital format the
entry made in the register of clinical establishment under sub-
section (2) of section 37;
29. the manner of holding an inquiry by the authority under sub-
section(3) of sections 40;
30. the manner of filing the appeal under sub-section (7) of sections
31. the manner and the time within which the information is to the
furnished to the authority Section 5 (f) or the State Councilsection 37 (2) or the National Council section 38 (2) as the case
may be, under section 48;
32. any other matter which is required to be or may be prescribed by
the State Government.
53. Every rule made by the State Government under this act shall be laid,
as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of the State
Legislature. Laying of rules.
54. The state Government may, as and when consider necessary, by
notification amend the Schedule. Savings.
55. Rights of patient
(1) The patients and / or Person authorized by patient shall receive the
relevant information about the nature, cause of illness, proposed care, and the
expected results of treatment, possible complications and the expected costs.
Confidentiality of treatment and privacy during examination.
Examination of female patient should be carried out in presence of female
(3) Person suffering from HIV/AIDS shall not be denied care.
(4) Complaint register should be made available in Clinical establishment.
(5) List of Specialists along with Qualifications Should be displayed at
prominent place in Clinical establishment.
(6) Patient has the right to seek second opinion. All medical and
diagnostic reports shall be made available to the patient or authorized
person to facilitate second opinion.
(7) Patient and / or Person authorized by patient or guardian if patient is
minor has a right to have an access to his / her clinical records during
admission to Clinical establishment and Photocopy of indoor papers
should be made available on demand after discharge.
(8) Discharge card should be issued to patient mentioning: Diagnosis,
clinical findings, results of investigations, treatment given, the
patient’s condition at the time of discharge and advice to patient.
(9) Patient has right to choose registered pharmacy or recognised
diagnostic center at his / her own responsibility.
(10) Protection ensured by statutory guidelines and legally enabled
provisions applicable to Clinical Establishments which are conducting
clinical research.
(11) Informed consent prior to potentially hazardous tests / treatment. Standard Charter
Responsibilities of patient
(1) To provide relevant health information and history to the doctor
(2) Share all information to health care provider in case of other treatment
is being pursued simultaneously
(3) To fully cooperate with the doctor during the treatment and follow
doctor’s advice properly with follow up visits.
(4) To respect the dignity of the doctors and other staff as human being
and professionals.
(5) To preserve and share the past medical records
(6) To undertake to pay hospital bills as agreed.
(7) Not to resort to unlawful methods such as violence against the doctor
or clinical establishment, which is a nonbailable offence.
(8) Follow rules of clinical establishments for its smooth functioning.
(9) Cooperate with health care provider for complying with legal
requirements like notifiable diseases, post mortem and such others.AS PASSED BY VIDHAN SABHA
ON -------, 2014
Bill No. --------
1. Short title, application and commencement. -Page 2- Top
2. Definitions. -Page 2- Centre
3. Establishment of State Council.
-Page 3-Bottom
4. Disqualifications for appointment as member. 5. Functions of state Council. 6. Power to seek advice or assistance. -Page 5 - Centre
7. Strate Council to follow consultative process. -Page 5 - Centre
-Page 5- Top
-Page 5 - Centre
REGISTRATION AND STANDARDS FOR CLINICAL ESTABLISHMENTS8. State Council of clinical establishments. -Page 5 - Bottom
1. Providing information to National Council. -Page 6 - Centre
2. Authority for registration. -Page 6 - Centre
3. Registration for clinical establishments. -Page 6 - Bottom
4. Conditions for registration. -Page 6 - Bottom
5. Classification of clinical establishments. -Page 7 - Top
6. Application for provisional certificate for registration. Page 7 - Centre
7. Provisional certificate. Page 7 - Centre
8. No inquiry prior to provisional registration. Page 7 - Bottom
9. Validity of provisional registration. Page 7 - Bottom
10. Display of certificate of registration. Page 7 - Bottom
11. Duplicate certificate. Page 7 - Bottom
12. Certificate to be non-transferable. Page 8 - Top
13. Publication of expiry of registration. Page 8 - Top
14. Renewal of registration. Page 8 - Top
15. Time limit for provisional registration. Page 8 - Centre
16. Application for permanent registration. Page 8 - Centre
17. Verification of application Page 8 - Centre
18. Display of information for filing objections. Page 8 - Centre
19. Communication of objections. Page 8 - Bottom
20. Standards for permanent registration. Page 8 - Bottom21. Allowing or disallowing of registration. Page 8 - Bottom
22. Certificate of permanent registration. Page 9 - Top
23. Fresh application for permanent registration. Page 9 - Centre
24. Cancellation of registration. Page 9 - Centre
25. Inspection of registered clinical establishments Page 9 - Bottom
26. Power to enter. Page 10 - Top
27. Levy of fee by State Government. Page 10 - Top
28. Appeal. Page 10 - Centre
29. Register of clinical establishments.
-Page 10-Centre
30. Maintenance of State register of clinical establishments.-Page 10-Centre
Maintenance of National Register of clinical establishments. -Page 10-Bottom
32. Penalty -Page 10- Bottom
33. Monetary penalty for non-registration. -Page 11-Top
34. Disobedience of direction, obstruction
and refusal of information.
-Page 11-Centre
35. Penalty for minor deficiencies. -Page 12-Top
36. Contravention by companies. -Page 12-Top
37. Offences by Government Departments. -Page 12-Centre38. Recovery of Fine.
-Page 12- Bottom
39. Protection of action taken in good faith. -Page 13-Top
40. Furnishing of returns, etc. -Page 13-Top
41. Power to give directions. -Page 13-Centre
42. Employees of the authority, etc., to be
public servants.
-Page 13-Centre
43. Power to remove difficulties. -Page 13-Centre
44. Power to Central Government to make rules. -Page 13- Bottom
45. Laying of rules. -Page 14-Centre
46. Power of State Government to make rules. -Page 14-Centre
47. Laying of rules. -Page 15- Bottom
48. Savings. -Page 15- Bottom,d.c2E
to provide for the registration and regulation of clinical establishments in the State of
Maharashtra and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Preamble - W HEREAS , it is considered expedient to provide for the registration and
regulation of clinical establishments with a view to prescribe minimum standards of facilities
and services which may be provided by them to safeguard rights of patients’ and health care
providers. So that mandate of article 47 of the Constitution for improvement in public health
may be achieved;
Short title,
application and
1. (1) This Act may be called the Maharashtra Clinical Establishments
(Registration and Regulation) Bill, 2014.
(2) It applies to the whole of the State of Maharashtra.
Provided that different dates may be appointed for different categories
of clinical establishments and for different recognized system of medicine.
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,―
(a) ―authority‖ means the Local registering authority set-up under
section 10;
(b) ―certificate‖ means certificate of permanent registration issued
under section 30;
(c) ―clinical establishment‖ means―
(i) a hospital, maternity home, nursing home, dispensary,
clinic, sanatorium, wellness clinics, day care centers or an institution by
whatever name called that offers services, facilities requiring prevention,
diagnosis, treatment or care for illness, injury, deformity, abnormality or
pregnancy in any recognized system of medicine established and
administered or maintained by any person or body of persons, whether
incorporated or not; or
(ii) a place established as an independent entity or part of an
establishment referred to in sub-clause (i) in connection with the
prevention, diagnosis or treatment of diseases where pathological,
bacteriological, genetic, radiological, chemical, biological investigations
or other diagnostic or investigative services with the aid of laboratory or
other medical equipment, are usually carried on, established and
administered or maintained by any person or body of persons, whether
incorporated or not,
and shall include a clinical establishment owned, controlled or managed
(a) the Government or a department of the Government;
(b) a trust, whether public or private;
(c) a corporation (including a society) registered under a Central,
Provincial or State Act, whether or not owned by the Government;
(d) a local Public authority; and(e) a single doctor,
(d) ―emergency medical condition‖ means a medical condition manifesting
itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) of
such a nature that the absence of immediate medical attention could
reasonably be expected to result in-
(i) placing the health of the individual or, with respect to a pregnant
women, the health of the woman or her unborn child, in serious
jeopardy; or
(ii) serious impairment to bodily functions; or
(iii) serious dysfunction of any organ or part of a body;
(e) ―Council‖ means the State Council for clinical establishments
established under section 3;
(f) ―notification‖ means a notification published in the Official Gazette;
(g) ―prescribed‖ means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the
State Government;
(h) ―recognized system of medicine‖ means Allopathy, Ayurveda,
Homoeopathy, Yoga, Naturopathy, Siddha and Unani System of medicines
or any other system of medicine as may be recognized by the Central or
State Government and ― registered medical practitioner’’ means qualified
and registered personnel from ―recognized system of medicine‖
(i) ―register‖ means the register maintained by the authority, State
Government under sections 37, 38 of this Act containing the number of
clinical establishments registered;
(j) ―registration‖ means to register under section 11 and the expression
registration or registered shall be construed accordingly;
(k) ―rules‖ means rules made under this Act;
(l) ―standards‖ means the conditions that the State Government may
prescribe under section 13 subsection (2), for the registration of clinical
(m) ―to provide primary emergency first aid measures means, with respect
to an emergency medical condition specified in clause (d), to provide basic
primary emergency first aid treatment, within facilities prescribed before
the transfer of the individual from a clinical establishment.
3. (1) With effect from such date as the State Government may, by
notification appoint in this behalf, there shall be established for the
purposes of this Act, a Council to be called the State Council for clinical
(2) The State Council shall consist of―
(a) Director of Health Services, Government of Maharashtra, ex officio,
who shall be the Chairperson; Director of Medical Education and Research
ex officio, who shall be the co chairperson ;
(b) One representative from each council nominated by the―
Establishment of
state council..
(i) Maharashtra Dental Council constituted under section 3 of the
Dentists Act, 1948;
(ii) Maharashtra Medical Council constituted under section 3 of
the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956;
(iii) Maharashtra Nursing Council of India constituted under
section 3 of the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947;
(iv) Maharashtra homeopathic Council constituted under Bombay
Homeopathic practitioners Act 1959 amended 1980.
(v) Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine constituted under
Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act 1961.
(e) one representative to be nominated by the State Indian Medical
(i) one representative from the line of paramedical systems excluding
systems that have been given representation under clause (b);
(j) One representatives from Women’s organization working in Health
sector nominated by State Government
(k) Two representatives from NGO working in patients’ rights nominated
by State Government.
(l) one representative each from the Associations of Indian Systems of
Medicines relating to Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Siddha, Homeopathy
and Unani to be nominated by the State Government;
(j) one representative from the Medical consultants association.
(k) Full time officer not below rank of Assistant Director to assist the
(m) Joint Director (Hospitals) Member Secretary
(3) The nominated members of the State Council shall hold office for three
years but shall be eligible for re-nomination for maximum of one more
term of three years.
(4) The members of the State council shall be entitled for such allowances
as may be prescribed by the State Government.
(5) The State Council may, subject to the approval of the State
Government, make bye-laws fixing a quorum and regulating its own
procedure and the conduct of all business to be transacted by it.
(6) The functions of the State Council may be exercised notwithstanding
any vacancy therein.
(7) The State Government shall provide the State Council with, financial
assistance for manpower required and such other resources as the State
Government considers necessary required for execution of act.
4. A person shall be disqualified for being appointed as a member of the
State Council if he–
(a) has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence
which, in the opinion of the State Government, involves moral
turpitude; or
(b) is an undischarged insolvent; or
(c) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court;
(d) has been removed or dismissed from the service of the
Government or a Corporation owned or controlled by the
Government; or removed by respective council.
for appointment
as member.(e) has, in the opinion of the State Government, such financial or
other interest in the Council as is likely to affect prejudicially the
discharge by him of his functions as a member.
The State Council shall ―
(a) classify the clinical establishments into different categories;
(b) develop the templates for developing minimum standards and
minimum standards of clinical establishments by appointing
different committees and their periodic review;
(c) determine within a period of two years from its establishment, the
first set of standards for ensuring proper healthcare by the
clinical establishments;
(d) Safeguard the interests of patients and health care providers alike.
(e) Develop the data relevant to Public Health and statistics with its
periodicity and formats to be mandatorily provided from clinical
establishments by appointing committee and collect the
information in respect of clinical establishments;
(f) compile and publish a State Register of Clinical Establishments
within two years from the date of the commencement of this Act;
(g) Hearing of appeals from first appellate authority
(h) Sending periodic returns for updating National Register for
Clinical Establishments
(i) Publication on annual basis a report on the status of
implementation of the act.
(j) direct to cancel registration of such clinical establishments
where there is imminent danger to public health and the health
and safety of patients and staff;
(k) Suggest to the State government the penalty to be levied on the
concerned offence for the various categories of clinical
establishments which would include the nature, size and location
(l) perform any other function determined by the State Government
from time to time.
(m) Notify data relevant to Public Health which is mandatorily
provided by clinical establishments including their periodicity
and formats and make it available in Public domain.
6. The State Council may appoint any person or persons who are not
members of the State Council or committee as it deems fit, for such
periods, not exceeding two years whose assistance or advice it may desire
in carrying out any of the provisions of this Act or for the consideration of
particular matters . Power to seek
advice or
7. The State Council shall follow a consultative process for determining
the standards and for classification of clinical establishments in accordance
with such procedure as may be prescribed. State Council to
Authority for
Functions of
10. (1) The State Government shall, by notification, set-up an authority to
be called the Local registering authority for each district for registration of
clinical establishments, with the following members, namely:-Local registering authority
1. Medical Officer Health of Municipal
Corporation – Chairman
2. Deputy Medical Officer Health of Municipal
Corporation – Member Secretary.
3. Medical officer delegated this subject appointed
by Chairman - Member
1. Civil Surgeon – Chairman
2. Additional Civil Surgeon – Member Secretary
3. Medical officer delegated this subject
appointed by Chairman - Member
1. District Health Officer – Chairman
2. Additional District Health Officer – Member
3. Medical officer delegated this subject
appointed by Chairman - Member
corporation area
For Municipality
For other than
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), for the
purposes of provisional and final registration of clinical establishments
under section 15 and 25, the Medical officer Health of corporation, District
Health Officer or Civil Surgeon shall exercise the powers of the local
registering authority as per procedure that may be prescribed.
(3) The local registering authority shall perform the following functions,
(a) grant, renew, suspend or cancel registration of a clinical
(b) enforce compliance of the provisions of the Act and the rules
made thereunder;
(c) investigate complaints of breach of the provisions of the Act or
the rules made thereunder and take appropriate action;
(d) prepare and submit reports periodically of such nature as directed
by the state Council;
(e) report to the state Council on a quarterly basis the action taken
against non-registered clinical establishments;
(f) perform such other functions as may be prescribed.
(4) The State Government shall provide the Local Registration Authority
with required manpower, finances and such other resources as the State
Government considers necessary for the proper functioning of the council
and execution of the provisions of the act.
Registration for
establishments. 11. No person shall run a clinical establishment unless it has been duly
registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Condition for
registration and
continuation 12. (A) For temporary registration and continuation every clinical
establishment shall fulfil the criteria of
(i) minimum qualification and registration of concerned person under
management of clinical establishment.
(ii) owner on clinical establishment shall undertake to appoint qualified
and registered person of concerned category to run clinical establishment.
In case of noncompliance it will be responsibility of owner.
(B) For permanent registration and continuation, every clinical
establishment shall fulfil the following conditions, namely:―
(i) the minimum standards of facilities and services as may be prescribed;
(ii) the minimum qualification and requirement of personnel as may be
(iii) provisions for maintenance of records and reporting as may be
prescribed;(iv) Observance of charter of patients’ rights and responsibilities as may be
(v) Availability of rates of facilities and services.
(vi) Such other conditions as may be prescribed.
(vii) compliance with standards of safety, infection control and standard
treatment guidelines as may be prescribed. Standard treatment guidelines
as prescribed should be followed for which treating doctors will be
(C) Clinical establishment should provide basic primary emergency first
aid treatment, within facilities prescribed before the transfer of the
(D) In cases of advanced medical emergency treatment given to unknown
or unidentified patients, cost shall be reimbursed by Government as per
rates prescribed.
13. Clinical establishment of different systems shall be classified into
such categories, as may be suggested by the State council, from time to
time. Classification of
14. The State
conditions. Standards of
Council shall within a period of two years from its
may prescribe first set of standards of clinical
Provided that in prescribing the standards for clinical
the State Government shall have regard to the local
15. (1) All clinical establishments in Maharashtra shall be registered with
the authority under the provisions of this Act and the rules made there
(2) For the purposes of registration of the clinical establishment under
section 10, an application in the prescribed proforma along with the
prescribed fee shall be made to the authority.
(2) The application shall be filed in person or by post or online. In
charge of clinical establishment who will apply for registration of clinical
establishment should be minimum qualified and registered person of
concerned council. In case of company, owner shall apply, however the
qualified person to manage the clinical establishment is necessary. The
application should contain details of the qualified and registered personnel
where applicable and as prescribed.
(3) The application shall be made in such form and shall be accompanied
by such details as may be prescribed under this Act or rules made
(4) If any clinical establishment is in existence at the time of the
commencement of this Act, an application for its registration shall be
made within one year from the date of the commencement of this Act and
a clinical establishment which comes into existence after commencement
of this Act, shall apply for permanent registration within a period of six
months from the date of its establishment.
(5) If any clinical establishment is already registered under any existing
Application for
certificate of requiring registration of such establishments, even then it shall apply
for registration as referred to in section 15 sub-section (2).
(6) The Authority shall acknowledge the receipt of the application for
provisional registration or permanent registration as the case may be, in
such form as may be prescribed.
16. The authority shall, within a period of thirty days from the date of
receipt of such application, grant to the applicant a certificate of
provisional registration in such form and containing such particulars and
such information, as may be prescribed. If provisional registration is not
granted within 30 days, the clinical establishment shall be deemed to be
registered. Provisional
17. (1) The authority shall not conduct any inquiry prior to the grant of
provisional registration. However it should be verified by authority that
concerned person applying for provisional registration of clinical
establishment shall be ―registered medical practitioner.’’ of concerned
category of clinical establishment. No inquiry prior
to provisional
(2) Notwithstanding the grant of the provisional certificate of
registration, the authority shall publish in such manner, as may be
prescribed, all particulars of the clinical establishment.
18. Subject to the provisions of section 23, every provisional registration
shall be valid to the last day of the twelfth month from the date of issue of
the certificate of registration and such registration shall be renewable for
next one year. Validity of
19. The provisional or permanent certificate shall be kept affixed in a
conspicuous place in the clinical establishment in such manner so as to be
visible to every one visiting such establishment. Display of the
certificate of
20. In case the certificate is lost, destroyed, mutilated or damaged, the
authority shall issue a duplicate certificate on the request of the clinical
establishment and on the payment of such fees, as may be prescribed. Duplicate
Certificate to be
non-transferable. 21. (1) The certificate of registration shall be non-transferable.
(2) In the event of change of ownership or management, the clinical
establishment shall inform the authority of such change in such manner as
may be prescribed.
(3) In the event of change of category, or location, or on ceasing to
function as a clinical establishment, the certificate of registration in respect
of such clinical establishment shall be surrendered to the authority and the
clinical establishment shall apply afresh for grant of certificate of
(4) In the event of addition of facility to the clinical establishment, it
should be informed to authority immediately after of such event.
Difference in registration fees as prescribed may be paid to authority
within thirty days.
Publication of
expiry of
registration. 22. The authority shall also cause to be published within such time and in
such manner, as may be prescribed, the names of clinical establishments
whose provisional and permanent registration has expired.
Renewal of
registration. 23. The application for renewal of registration shall be made thirty days
before the expiry of the validity of the certificate of provisional
registration and, in case the application for renewal is made after the
expiry of the provisional registration, the authority shall allow renewal ofregistration on payment of such enhanced fees, as may be prescribed.
Time limit for
24. Where clinical establishments in respect of which standards have been
notified by the state Government, provisional registration shall not be
granted or renewed beyond
(i) the period of three years from the date of notification of the
standards in case of clinical establishments which came into
existence before the commencement of this Act;
(ii) the period of two years from the date of notification of the
standards for clinical establishments which come into existence
after the commencement of this Act but before the notification of
the standards; and
Application for
registration. 25. (1) Application for permanent registration of a clinical establishment
shall be made to the authority in form, manner and fees, as may be
prescribed under the rules of this act.
(2) The application for permanent registration shall be filed in person
or by post or online by the owner of the clinical establishment as the case
may be. The application should contain details of the qualified and
registered personnel where applicable and as prescribed.
Verification of
the application
for permanent
registration. 26. The clinical establishment shall submit evidence of having complied
with the prescribed minimum standards in such manner, as may be
Display of
information. 27. As soon as the clinical establishment submits the required evidence of
having complied with the prescribed minimum standards, the authority
shall cause to be displayed for information of the public at for a period of
thirty days before processing for grant of permanent registration. The
authority may cause inspection, if necessary.
Standards for
registration 28. Permanent registration shall be granted only when a clinical
establishment fulfils the prescribed standards for registration by the State
Allowing or
disallowing of
registration. 29. The authority shall pass an order immediately after the expiry of the
prescribed period and within the next thirty days thereafter either –
(a) allowing the application for permanent registration; or
(b) disallowing the application:
(c) No action on part of authority for sixty days will result in deemed
registration of clinical establishment.
Provided that the authority shall record its reasons and communicate to the
applicant, if it disallows an application, for permanent registration.
30. (1) The authority shall, if it, allows an application of the clinical
establishment, issue a certificate of permanent registration in such form
and containing such particulars, as may be prescribed.
(2) The certificate shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of
(3) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the provisions of sections 25, 26,
27 and 28 shall also apply.
(4) The applications for renewal of permanent registration shall be made
within three months before the expiry of the validity of the certificate of
Certificate of
registration.permanent registration and, in case the application of renewal is not
submitted within the stipulated period, the authority may allow renewal of
registration on payment of such enhanced fees and penalties as may be
31. The disallowing of an application for provisional and permanent
registration shall not debar a clinical establishment from reapplying after
compliance for permanent registration under section 25 and after providing
such evidence, as may be required, of having rectified the deficiencies on
which grounds the earlier application was disallowed with 30 days. Compliance for
provisional and
32. (1) If, at any time after any clinical establishment has been
provisionally registered, registration may be cancelled or suspended by
the authority or state Government if,―
(a) If criteria of qualification and registration of a person entrusted with the
management of the clinical establishment are not complied with
(b) If there is imminent danger to the safety of patients by the clinical
(c) the person entrusted with the management of the clinical establishment
has been convicted of an offence under any medical acts. Cancellation of
provisional and
(2) If, at any time after any clinical establishment has been permanently
registered registration may be cancelled or suspended by the authority or
state Government if,―
(a) the conditions of the registration are not being complied with;
(b) If there is imminent danger to the safety of patients by the
clinical establishment
(c) the person entrusted with the management of the clinical
establishment has been convicted of an offence punishable under this Act
refer section 39, it may issue a notice to the clinical establishment to show
cause within three months’ time as to why its registration under this Act
should not be cancelled for the reasons to be mentioned in the notice. This
shall apply to Clinical Establishment who is given provisional and
permanent registration as well.
(3) If after giving a reasonable opportunity to the clinical establishment,
the authority is satisfied that there has been a breach of any of the
provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder, it may, by an order,
without prejudice to any other action that it may take against such clinical
establishment, cancel its registration.
(4) Every order made under sub-section (3) shall take effect-
(a) where no appeal has been preferred against such order
immediately on the expiry of the period prescribed for such appeal; and
(b) where such appeal has been preferred and it has been dismissed
from the date of the order of such dismissal:
Provided that the authority, after cancellation of registration for reasons to
be recorded in writing, may restrain immediately the clinical establishment
from carrying on if there is imminent danger to the health and safety of
33. (1) The authority or an officer authorised by it shall have the right to
cause an inspection of, or inquiry in respect of any clinical establishment,
to be made by such multi-member inspection team as prescribed as it may
direct and to cause an inquiry to be made in respect of any other matter
connected with the clinical establishment and that establishment shall be
entitled to be represented there at with due notice.
(2) The authority shall communicate to the clinical establishment the
Inspection of
establishments.views of that authority with reference to the results of such inspection or
inquiry and may, after ascertaining the opinion of the clinical
establishment thereon, advise that establishment upon the action to be
(3) The clinical establishment shall report to the authority, the action,
if any, which is proposed to be taken or has been taken upon the results of
such inspection or inquiry and such report shall be furnished within such
time, as the authority may direct.
(4) Where the clinical establishment does not, within a reasonable
time, take action to the satisfaction of the authority, it may, after
considering any explanation furnished or representation made by the
clinical establishment, issue such directions within such time as indicated
in the direction, as that authority deems fit, and the clinical establishment
shall comply with such directions.
Power to enter. 34. The authority or an officer authorised by it may, if there is any reason
to suspect that anyone is carrying on a clinical establishment without
registration, enter and search in the manner prescribed, at any reasonable
time and the clinical establishment, shall offer reasonable facilities for
inspection or inquiry and be entitled to be represented thereat:
Provided that no such person shall enter the clinical establishment without
giving notice of his intention to do so.
Levy of fee by
Government. 35. The State Government may charge fees for different categories of
clinical establishments, as may be prescribed.
Appeal. 36. (1) Any person, aggrieved by an order of the registering authority
refusing to grant or renew a certificate of registration or revoking a
certificate of registration may, in such manner and within such period as
may be prescribed, prefer an appeal to the appropriate appellate body as
prescribed: Provided that the appropriate appellate body may entertain an
appeal preferred after the expiry of the prescribed period if it is satisfied
that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from preferring the
appeal in time.
(2) Every appeal under sub-section (1) shall be made in such form and
be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed.
(3) If a patient is aggrieved by violation of charter of patients’ rights
such a patient or his / her next of kin may complain to appropriate
appellate body as prescribed.
(4) Frivolous complaints shall be entitled for penalty as may be
Appellate authority for clinical establishments-
1) The Government shall by notification constitute the Appellate Body
for clinical establishments in each of the districts of the State.
Appellate authority
1. Commissioner Municipal Corporation – Chairman
2. Assistant Director (Medical) from Deputy Director
Office – Member Secretary.
3. Group A Class 1 Officer from corporation other than
MOH – Member
4. One representative of Indian Medical Association–
5. One representative from the Medical consultants association -
6. One representative from AYUSH - Member
7. One representative from NGO working for health–
8. One representative
1. Collector – Chairman
2. Assistant Director (Medical) from Deputy Director
Office – Member Secretary
3. Group A Class 1 Officer from Public Health
Department– Member
4. One representative of Indian Medical Association –
5. One representative from the Medical consultants association.
6. One representative from AYUSH - Member
7. One representative from NGO working for health
rights - Member
8. One representative from women’s organization -
2) The appointed members of the Appellate authority shall hold office
for a term of three years, but shall be eligible for re-appointment for
maximum of one more term of three years.
Provided that the appointed person shall hold office for so long as he/she
holds the appointment of the office by virtue of which s/he was appointed
to the local Appellate Body.
3) The members of the Appellate authority shall be entitled for such
allowances as may be prescribed by the Government.
4) The Appellate authority shall meet at least once in a two months or if
necessary as and when required.
5) The functions of the Appellate authority may be exercised
notwithstanding any vacancy therein.
6) The Government shall provide the Appellate authority with such other
staff and budget as are
7) The Appellate authority may seek the assistance of any expert person or
body whose assistance or advice it may desire in carrying out it’s function
8) Disqualifications for appointment as member of Appellate authority for
clinical establishments – A person shall be disqualified for being
appointed as a member of the District Appellate Body if the person—
(a) has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence
which, in the opinion of the Government, involves moral turpitude; or
(b) is an undischarged insolvent; or
(c) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or
(d) has been removed or dismissed from the service of the Government or
a Corporation owned or controlled by the Government; or
(e) has, in the opinion of the Government, such financial or other interest
in the Council as is likely to affect prejudicially the discharge by him of
his functions as a member.
9. Functions of the Appellate authority –
The Appellate authority shall hear and dispose of appeals by clinical
establishments against the orders of local regulatory authority and
complaint about violation of Charter of Patients’ Rights, responsibilities
and of minimum standards.
37. (1) The authority shall within a period of two years from its
establishment, compile, publish and maintain in digital format a register of
clinical establishments, registered by it and it shall enter the particulars of
the certificate so issued in a register to be maintained in such form and
manner, as may be prescribed by the State Government.(2) Each authority shall supply in digital format to the State Council
of clinical establishments a copy of every entry made in the register of
clinical establishments in such manner, as may be prescribed to ensure that
the State Register is constantly up-to-date.
Maintenance of
State register of
38. (1) Every State shall maintain in digital and in such form and
containing such particulars, as may be prescribed to be known as the State
Register of clinical establishments in respect of clinical establishments of
that State.
(2) Every State Government shall supply in digital format to the
central Government, a copy of the State Register of clinical establishments
and shall inform the Central Government all additions to and other
amendments in such register made, for a particular month by the 15 th day
of the following month.
39. Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act shall, if no penalty is
provided elsewhere, be punishable for the first offence with fine which
may extend to five thousand rupees, for any second offence with fine
which may extend to ten thousand rupees and for any subsequent offence
with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees or process of closure
of clinical establishment.
40. (1) Whoever carries on a clinical establishment without registration
shall, on first conviction, be liable to a monetary penalty up to ten
thousand rupees and for further contravention with a monetary penalty
which may extend to twenty five thousand rupees or process of closure of
clinical establishment. Appeals if any may be disposed of before initiating
the process as above. Carrying out clinical establishment without
registration means either not applied or not renewed registration.
(2) Any registered medical practitioner knowingly serves in a clinical
establishment which is not duly registered under this Act, shall be liable to
a monetary penalty which may extend to twenty-five thousand rupees.
(3) For the purpose of adjudging under sub-sections (1) and (2), the
authority shall hold an inquiry in prescribed manner after giving any
person concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard for the purpose
of imposing any monetary penalty.
(4) While holding an inquiry the authority shall have power to
summon and enforce the attendance of any person acquainted with the
facts and circumstances of the case to give evidence or to produce any
document which in the opinion of the authority, may be useful for or
relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry and if, on such inquiry, it is
satisfied that the person has failed to comply with the provisions specified
in sub-sections (1) and (2), it may by order impose the monetary penalty
specified in those sub-sections to be deposited within thirty days of the
order in the account referred to in sub-section (8) of section 42.
(5) While determining the quantum of monetary penalty, the authority
shall take into account the category, size and type of the clinical
establishment and local conditions of the area in which the establishment
is situated.
penalty for
non-registration.(6) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the authority if desired
shall prefer an appeal to the appropriate forum within a period of three
months from the date of the said decision. During this period the decision
of authority will be on hold.
(7) The manner of filling the appeal referred to in sub-section (6) shall
be such as may be prescribed.
41. (1) Whoever wilfully disobeys any direction lawfully given by any
person or authority empowered under this Act to give such direction, or
obstructs any person or authority in the discharge of any functions which
such person or authority is required or empowered under this Act to
discharge, shall be liable to a monetary penalty which may extend up to
twenty five thousand rupees.
(2) Whoever being required by or under this Act to supply any
information wilfully withholds such information or gives information
which he knows to be false or which he does not believe to be true, shall
be liable to monetary penalty which may extend up to one lakh rupees.
(3) (i) For the purpose of adjudging under sub-sections (1) and (2), the
authority shall hold an inquiry in the prescribed manner after giving any
person concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard for the purpose
of imposing any monetary penalty.
(ii) While determining the quantum of monetary penalty, the Local
authority shall take into account the category, size and type of the clinical
establishment and local conditions of the area in which the establishment
is situated as prescribed.
(4) While holding an inquiry the authority shall have power to
summon and enforce the attendance of any person acquainted with the
facts and circumstance of the case to give evidence or to produce any
document which in the opinion of the authority, may be useful for or
relevant to the subject matter of the inquiry and if, on such inquiry, it is
satisfied that the person has failed to comply with the provisions specified
in sub-sections (1) an (2), it may by order impose the monetary penalty
specified in those sub-sections to be deposited within thirty days of the
order in the account referred to in sub-section (8)
(6) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the authority may prefer
an appeal to the with appropriate forum a period of three months from the
date of the said decision.
(7) The manner of filing the appeal referred to in sub-section (6) shall
be such as may be prescribed.
(8) The monetary penalty levied under sections 41 and 42 shall be
credited to such account as the State Government may by order specify in
this behalf.
Penalty for
deficiencies . 42. Whoever contravenes any provision of this Act or any rule made
thereunder resulting in deficiencies that do not pose any imminent danger
to the health and safety of any patient and can be rectified within a
reasonable time, shall be punishable with fine that may extend to one
thousand rupees.
by companies. 43. (1) Where a person committing contravention of any of the provisions
Disobedience of
obstruction and
refusal of
information.of this Act or of any rule made thereunder is a company, every person
who, at the time the contravention was committed, was in charge of, and
was responsible to the company for the conduct of the business of the
company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the
contravention and shall be liable to fine:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any
such person liable to any punishment if he proves that the contravention
was committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commission of such contravention if authority is
satisfied to that effect.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where a
contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule made
thereunder has been committed by a company and it is proved that the
contravention has taken place with the consent or connivance of, or is
attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary
or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other
officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of that contravention and shall be
liable to fine.
Explanation.― For the purposes of this section,―
(a) ―company‖ means a body corporate and includes a firm
or other association of individuals; and
(n) ―director‖, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm.
Offences by
Departments. 44. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by any
Department of Government within a period of six months after the
commencement of this Act, the Head of the Department shall be deemed
to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and
punished accordingly:
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall render such Head
of the Department liable to any punishment if he proves that the offence
was committed without his knowledge or that he exercised all due
diligence to prevent the commission of such offence.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where an
offence under this Act has been committed by a Department of
Government and it is proved that the offence has been committed with the
consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of,
any officer, other than the Head of the Department, such officer shall also
be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded
against and punished accordingly.
Recovery of
fine. 45. Whoever fails to pay the fine, Appellate authority may prepare a
certificate signed by an officer authorised by it specifying the fine due
from such person and send it to the Collector of the District in which such
person owns any property or resides or carries on his business and the said
Collector, on receipt of such certificate, shall proceed to recover from such
person the amount specified thereunder, as if it were an arrear of land
46. (1) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against
any authority or any member of the local registering authority or any
officer authorised on his behalf in respect of anything, which is in good
Protection of
action taken in
good done or intended to be done in pursuance of the provisions of this Act
or any rule made thereunder.
(2) No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against a State
Government in respect of any loss or damage caused or likely to be caused
by anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in
pursuance of the provisions of this Act or any rule made thereunder.
47. Every clinical establishment shall, within such time or within such
extended time, as may be prescribed in that behalf, furnish to the authority
or the State Council such returns or the statistics and other information in
such manner, as may be prescribed by the State Government, from time to
time. Furnishing of
returns, etc.
48. Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Act, the
authority shall have the power to issue such directions, including
furnishing returns, statistics and other information for the proper
functioning of clinical establishments and such directions shall be binding. Power to give
directions .
49. Every employee of the authority and the state Council or appropriate
forums shall be deemed to, when acting or purporting to act in pursuance
of any of the provisions of this Act, be public servants within the meaning
of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. Employees of
the authority,
etc. to be public
50. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this
Act, the State Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette,
make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as
may appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removal of the difficulty: Power to remove
Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a
period of two years from the date of commencement of this Act.
(2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after
it is made, be laid before each House of State Legislature.
Laying of rules. 51. Every rule made by the State Government under this Act shall be
laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each State legislature, while
it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in
one session or in two or more successive sessions and if, before the expiry
of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions
aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or
both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall
thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the
case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall
be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that
Power of State
Government to
make rules. 52.
(1) The State Government may, by notification, make rules for
carrying out all or any of the provisions of this Act
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following
matters, namely.―
1. allowances for the members of the State Council under
sub-section (4) of section 3;
2. Consultative process to be followed for determining standards
and classification of clinical establishments under section 7;
3. the procedure under which the powers of the local registration
authority may be exercised for the purpose of provisional
registration of clinical establishment
4. the minimum standards of facilities and services under clause (i)of section 12;
5. the minimum number of personnel under clause (ii) of section 12;
the maintenance of records and reporting by the clinical
establishment under clause (iii) of section 12;
6. other conditions for registration and continuation of clinical
establishment under clause (iv) of section 12;
7. classification of clinical establishment under section 13;
8. the different standards for classification of clinical establishments
under sub-section (1) of section 13;
9. the minimum standards for permanent registration under section
10. the form and particulars to be contained in the register to be
maintained under section 38.
11. the proforma and the fee to be paid for registration under sub-
section (l) of section 15;
12. the form and details of application under sub-section (3) of
section 15;
13. the particulars and information contained in certificate of
provisional registration under section16;
14. the manner of publication of all particulars of the clinical
establishments proposed to be registered under sub-section (2)
of section 27;
15. the fees to be paid to issue a duplicate certificate under section
16. the change of ownership or management to be informed by the
clinical establishment to the authority under sub-section (2) of
section 20;
17. the manner in which the authority shall publish the names of the
clinical establishments whose registration expired under
subclause (2) of section 21;
18. the enhanced fees to be charged for renewal after expiry of
provisional registration under section 23
19. the form of the application and fees to be charged by the State
Government for provisional registration under section 15 (1) for
permanent registration under section 25;
20. the manner of submitting evidence of the clinical establishments
having complied with the minimum standards under section 26;
21. Manner and time of publication of expiry of registration
specified in section 22;
22. the form and particulars of the certificate of registration under
section 30 (1);
23. period and manner within which an appeal shall be preferred
under clause (a) of sub-section (1) (2) (3) (4) of section 36;
24. the manner of entry and search of clinical establishment under
section 34;
25. the fees to be charged by the State Government for different
categories of clinical establishments under section 35
26. the manner and the period within which an appeal may be
preferred to the State Council under section 5 (g);
27. the form and the manner in which the register to be maintained
under sub-section (1) of section 38;
28. the manner of supply to the State Council in digital format the
entry made in the register of clinical establishment under sub-
section (2) of section 37;
29. the manner of holding an inquiry by the authority under sub-
section(3) of sections 40;
30. the manner of filing the appeal under sub-section (7) of sections
31. the manner and the time within which the information is to the
furnished to the authority Section 5 (f) or the State Councilsection 37 (2) or the National Council section 38 (2) as the case
may be, under section 48;
32. any other matter which is required to be or may be prescribed by
the State Government.
53. Every rule made by the State Government under this act shall be laid,
as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of the State
Legislature. Laying of rules.
54. The state Government may, as and when consider necessary, by
notification amend the Schedule. Savings.
55. Rights of patient
(1) The patients and / or Person authorized by patient shall receive the
relevant information about the nature, cause of illness, proposed care, and the
expected results of treatment, possible complications and the expected costs.
Confidentiality of treatment and privacy during examination.
Examination of female patient should be carried out in presence of female
(3) Person suffering from HIV/AIDS shall not be denied care.
(4) Complaint register should be made available in Clinical establishment.
(5) List of Specialists along with Qualifications Should be displayed at
prominent place in Clinical establishment.
(6) Patient has the right to seek second opinion. All medical and
diagnostic reports shall be made available to the patient or authorized
person to facilitate second opinion.
(7) Patient and / or Person authorized by patient or guardian if patient is
minor has a right to have an access to his / her clinical records during
admission to Clinical establishment and Photocopy of indoor papers
should be made available on demand after discharge.
(8) Discharge card should be issued to patient mentioning: Diagnosis,
clinical findings, results of investigations, treatment given, the
patient’s condition at the time of discharge and advice to patient.
(9) Patient has right to choose registered pharmacy or recognised
diagnostic center at his / her own responsibility.
(10) Protection ensured by statutory guidelines and legally enabled
provisions applicable to Clinical Establishments which are conducting
clinical research.
(11) Informed consent prior to potentially hazardous tests / treatment. Standard Charter
Responsibilities of patient
(1) To provide relevant health information and history to the doctor
(2) Share all information to health care provider in case of other treatment
is being pursued simultaneously
(3) To fully cooperate with the doctor during the treatment and follow
doctor’s advice properly with follow up visits.
(4) To respect the dignity of the doctors and other staff as human being
and professionals.
(5) To preserve and share the past medical records
(6) To undertake to pay hospital bills as agreed.
(7) Not to resort to unlawful methods such as violence against the doctor
or clinical establishment, which is a nonbailable offence.
(8) Follow rules of clinical establishments for its smooth functioning.
(9) Cooperate with health care provider for complying with legal
requirements like notifiable diseases, post mortem and such others.AS PASSED BY VIDHAN SABHA
ON -------, 2014
Bill No. --------
1. Short title, application and commencement. -Page 2- Top
2. Definitions. -Page 2- Centre
3. Establishment of State Council.
-Page 3-Bottom
4. Disqualifications for appointment as member. 5. Functions of state Council. 6. Power to seek advice or assistance. -Page 5 - Centre
7. Strate Council to follow consultative process. -Page 5 - Centre
-Page 5- Top
-Page 5 - Centre
REGISTRATION AND STANDARDS FOR CLINICAL ESTABLISHMENTS8. State Council of clinical establishments. -Page 5 - Bottom
1. Providing information to National Council. -Page 6 - Centre
2. Authority for registration. -Page 6 - Centre
3. Registration for clinical establishments. -Page 6 - Bottom
4. Conditions for registration. -Page 6 - Bottom
5. Classification of clinical establishments. -Page 7 - Top
6. Application for provisional certificate for registration. Page 7 - Centre
7. Provisional certificate. Page 7 - Centre
8. No inquiry prior to provisional registration. Page 7 - Bottom
9. Validity of provisional registration. Page 7 - Bottom
10. Display of certificate of registration. Page 7 - Bottom
11. Duplicate certificate. Page 7 - Bottom
12. Certificate to be non-transferable. Page 8 - Top
13. Publication of expiry of registration. Page 8 - Top
14. Renewal of registration. Page 8 - Top
15. Time limit for provisional registration. Page 8 - Centre
16. Application for permanent registration. Page 8 - Centre
17. Verification of application Page 8 - Centre
18. Display of information for filing objections. Page 8 - Centre
19. Communication of objections. Page 8 - Bottom
20. Standards for permanent registration. Page 8 - Bottom21. Allowing or disallowing of registration. Page 8 - Bottom
22. Certificate of permanent registration. Page 9 - Top
23. Fresh application for permanent registration. Page 9 - Centre
24. Cancellation of registration. Page 9 - Centre
25. Inspection of registered clinical establishments Page 9 - Bottom
26. Power to enter. Page 10 - Top
27. Levy of fee by State Government. Page 10 - Top
28. Appeal. Page 10 - Centre
29. Register of clinical establishments.
-Page 10-Centre
30. Maintenance of State register of clinical establishments.-Page 10-Centre
Maintenance of National Register of clinical establishments. -Page 10-Bottom
32. Penalty -Page 10- Bottom
33. Monetary penalty for non-registration. -Page 11-Top
34. Disobedience of direction, obstruction
and refusal of information.
-Page 11-Centre
35. Penalty for minor deficiencies. -Page 12-Top
36. Contravention by companies. -Page 12-Top
37. Offences by Government Departments. -Page 12-Centre38. Recovery of Fine.
-Page 12- Bottom
39. Protection of action taken in good faith. -Page 13-Top
40. Furnishing of returns, etc. -Page 13-Top
41. Power to give directions. -Page 13-Centre
42. Employees of the authority, etc., to be
public servants.
-Page 13-Centre
43. Power to remove difficulties. -Page 13-Centre
44. Power to Central Government to make rules. -Page 13- Bottom
45. Laying of rules. -Page 14-Centre
46. Power of State Government to make rules. -Page 14-Centre
47. Laying of rules. -Page 15- Bottom
48. Savings. -Page 15- Bottom