A visit to lilavati OPD bandra

All hospitals are now days super crowded . Because of the ratio of hospitals to the number of sick people in Mumbai. There are huge lines for everything. For filling the forms,to pay money to wait for the doctor . And no one is spared even the wheel chaired patients.

The OPD has limited seating space so after 12 everyone who comes has to stand.

The opd door no 13 is in a narrow corridor ,so you have to stand outside the door or you will miss  your name being called by the doctor inside.

Cost of getting a check up by the doctor usually 5 min is 1200 rupees (you have to have a lilavati card or fill in the form and get a card on the first visit)
Rupees 800 for the follow up visit IF you visit the same doctor within 30 days .

A - 791, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
022 2675 1000

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