ambulance and emergency not trained or equipped to handle hip fracture cases?
I noticed this glaring inadequacy
The ambulance driver and help were totally untrained. They did not know how to immobilize the hip and procedeed to try and lift the patient onto the streatcher
Same happened in the emergency room. The lady helpers (aayas,maushi marathi) and the men(mamas marathi) attempted the same thing.
This continued even after the hip surgery where they tried to turn the patient holding onto the surgery side of the hip
The ambulance driver and help were totally untrained. They did not know how to immobilize the hip and procedeed to try and lift the patient onto the streatcher
Same happened in the emergency room. The lady helpers (aayas,maushi marathi) and the men(mamas marathi) attempted the same thing.
This continued even after the hip surgery where they tried to turn the patient holding onto the surgery side of the hip