urology appointment kokilaben hospital
Appointment for 3.30 pm reached at 3pm and paid 2000 and sat at 3.15. 3.46 no sign of dr .
Finally came at 4
Took 2 minutes
Fever( though I told him feverish and not registering on the thermometer), nausea, problem voiding,rtpcr negative,crp very high,severe headache
Did pr
Tender prostrate
Do ct abdomen and pelvis 10000
Took 2 hours to get the ct done
The worst place to be with so many incoming patients
Ct room 1 seems to be booked for the bmc.they come in ppe patient on the stretcher with nasal oxygen.thrn theis patient is brought out and sneezes twice violent . everyone moves away.staff is unfazed maybe as they are vaccinated and see it the whole time.now you need to drink a bottle of some dye.now to drink it you need to remove your mask.
Goes back to doc who writes antibiotics
Behind the prostate is the Denonvilliers fascia, which separates this region from the rectum.The anterior and lateral segments are attached to the pelvic floor and wrapped in the endopelvic fascia.prostatic hypertrophy causes chronic prostate inflammation, which affects the formation of calculi.
prostatic calculi are mainly caused by urinary reflux into the prostate
This makes sense as my prostitis is always related to constipation and this time the constipation shut down the colon completely!!but after 4 years of struggle found ways to manage the constipation but the constipation only normalised after the antibiotics.constipation lead to the voiding problem so the correlation between the colon and prostrate needs to be investigated
Duphalac syrup
This combo was needed :(
Laxopeg alone was not working.
The dryness(reduce mucus) of the colon is one of the main reasons the information
To keep your urine flowing freely and to avoid constipation, drink plenty of fluids (water, juice, milk) during the day (8 glasses).
Damaged nerves. Normally, nerves carry messages from your brain to your bladder muscles, directing your bladder muscles to tighten or release. If these nerves are damaged
I am sure my nerves got damaged after the hernia operation.but I don't know any doctor in india /world who can tell me how to fix this .
Eat more fresh, non-processed foods, like fruits and vegetables, fresh meatsmeats
In general, limit your intake of meat
• High meat intake can increase uric acid, calcium, and oxalate concentrations in the urine, which can all lead to increased risk of stone formation.
• It is recommended to only eat 6-8 oz of meat per day (inclusive of beef, pork, poultry, and seafood)
Calcium from high calcium foods and normal dairy intake can reduce your risk of stone formation.
• It is better to get calcium from normal food sources than from supplements, as too much calcium can increase the risk of stones
What is the correlation between gum infection and prostrate infection ?
Sadly I can't find any specialist who can check my gum inflammation or tell me how to get rid of the recurring infection? None of the dentists have a clue!
I realised how a lot of people die of natural causes. Starts with a birthday party for the old man.foods high in oxalates causes blocks . urine flows back into the prostrate.prostrate enlarges.severe constipation.straining on the pot shoots up the bloodpressure . motions will never exit (most will be unaware or without the tools to fight constipation) .the end .