physio leg exercises for bed ridden patient

Hip flexion
Knee flexion
Ankle dorsiflexion
Plantar flexion 

Bed Exercises

It is important to practise bed exercises regularly if:
 you are not able to get out of bed
 your mobility is limited
 after an operation
These exercises will keep the strength in important muscles needed for standing and
walking and will help to maintain the range of movement in your joints.
Static quadriceps
Put your legs out straight in front of you. Pull your foot up towards you and push your
knee down into the bed. Hold for 5 seconds and repeat. Remember to exercise both
Static glutes
Keep your legs out in front of you. Contract your bottom muscles making sure you don’t
tense your leg or stomach muscles. Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat.
Straight leg raise
Bend one knee up so your foot is on the bed. Straighten your other leg and lift off the
bed a few inches. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly relax the leg back down. Repeat.
Hip abduction and adduction
Put your legs out straight in front of you. Slide your leg out to the side and back to the
middle. Repeat.
Inner range quads
Put a rolled up towel under your knee. Tighten your thigh muscles and lift your heel up
from the bed until your knee is straight. Hold for 5 seconds then slowly lower back
down to the bed. Repeat.

Hip and knee flexion
Bend your knee up in front of you keeping it in midline to your body. Bend it up as much
as you can. Then slowly lower back down to the bed. Repeat.
Ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
Pull your foot up towards you as much as you can then point your foot away from you.
Repeat on both legs.
Bend your knees up so your feet are flat on the bed. Using your bottom and leg
muscles, raise your buttocks up off the bed, pushing equally through both legs. Keep
your pelvis level and hold for 5 seconds. Slowly lower back to the bed and repeat.

Bent knee fall outs
With your knees bent up on the bed, slowly lower one knee out to the side and bring it
back to the middle. Make sure your other knee stays in the middle when lowering the
opposite leg out to the side.
Transversus abdominis
With your knees bent up draw in your belly button. Try to contract your deep abdominal
muscles. Keep breathing! Make sure you don’t hold your breath or tense your arms or
legs. Hold for 5 seconds to begin with and try to extend the time.

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