high monocytes post covid

And another broad white cell study @CellCellPress today!
Severe covid-19 accumulate monocytes in the lung ("emergency myelopoiesis") and their loss may indicate risk; interesting high calprotectin level as a potential marker; differences w/ mild covid-19

Sleep disruption as a mechanism of atherosclerosis via Ly6c+ high monocytes- highly plausible! And potentially bad news for interventional cardiologists-- another occupational hazard? TBD

The mechanism by which sleep affects the risk of atherosclerosis (the build-up of plaques inside arteries) in mice is described in a paper in Nature. The findings suggest a possible causal relationship between adequate sleep and cardiovascular health. go.nature.com/2SxbWgY

In these rare stem cells—the parents of immune-system cells—taken from people recovering from COVID-19, the scientists identified changes in the instructions for which genes got turned on or off. These changes were passed down to daughter cells, leading them to boost production of immune cells called monocytes. In the monocytes from people recovering from severe COVID-19, the changes in gene expression led the cells to pump out greater amounts of molecules called inflammatory cytokines than monocytes from people who were healthy or had non-COVID-19 illnesses. The researchers observed these changes as much as a year after the participants came down with COVID-19. Due to the small number of study participants, the scientists could not establish a direct association between the cellular and molecular changes and health outcomes.

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