pelvic pain and anal fissure
Chronic anal fissure is a painful common proctological problem involving a tear or ulcer in the epithelium of the anus, which exist longer than 6 weeks.
Symptoms: Anal fissures cause burning, throbbing, sharp, and sometimes radiating pain.
Chronic proctitis presents with rectal bleeding, diarrhea, urgency, tenesmus, incontinence, or pelvic pain.
fucidine on the external anal micro cuts helped reduce the pain in the pelvis
Treatment includes:
A high-fiber diet and over-the-counter fiber supplements (25-35 grams of fiber/day) to make stools soft, formed, and bulky.
Over-the-counter stool softeners to make stools easier to pass.
Drinking more water to help prevent hard stools and aid in healing.
Warm tub baths (sitz baths) for 10 to 20 minutes, a few times per day A sitz bath is a warm water bath you sit in to relieve discomfort in your perineal region. Soaking this area in warm water relaxes your anal sphincter, which helps increase blood flow through your anal tissues. This promotes healing and reduces the pain, itching and irritation felt due to various health conditions.
Medications, such as lidocaine, that can be applied to the skin around the anus for pain relief.
Medications such as diltiazam, nifedipine, or nitroglycerin ointment to relax the anal sphincter muscles which helps the healing process.