Intrusive health claims verification by icici lombard

Serious privacy violations of the patient
(Random men from unknown companies wanting photos of your surgery scar in your private parts to their whatsapp phone)


A friend had a hernia operation and the doctor charged him 1.5 for the hernia operation on both sides left and right ingunal .

Now icici lombard does not inform you that they are sending a person to verify the claim from some unknown company (not icici Lombard). Now this person wants to take photos of you and all your bills and medical reports. This person who is sent does not usually have an icici Lombard badge .
This is the scary part .
Someone comes to your room after your operation asking you your whole medical history and then taking photos .(Everything would be welcomed if the person had a icici Lombard badge and a letter with your claim intimation number . They DO NOT at present )

Now 1 month after this another person from another 3rd party company phones you out of the blue saying he is coming to your house to verify your claim. There is not email from icici Lombard telling you about this visit.
So some stranger lands up at your house . He again ask you the same questions asked by the stranger who come to the hospital .

Now from the privacy violation part
So this person wants a photo of your operation scar! Now this scar is near your pubis/penis.
He also wants you to pull your pants down to see the scar!
I wonder what happens if a woman has a operation and the scar is near her breast or vagina?

the icici Lombard call center has no clue 18002666 so no use wasting your time calling them . The call center also does not have any mention of the previous visit at the hospital . This is which makes the patient very scared. who was the man who took your photos in the hopital and photos of your billls in the hospital . can this man use all your information to make a false claim? (he has ALL Your information!! AND icici lombard has no mention of this visit!!)

So now the 2nd claims guy also with NO badge from icici lombard (a badge from his claims company written with a pen(the badge is not a complete printed badge) )Wants you to send a photo if your pubes and scar to his whatsapp number . He has all your details on his whatsapp (so maybe he got it from icic lombard?) but no badge or letter from icici lombard?

I worry if i have an operation on my testis will,will he want a photo of my testis to be sent to his whatsapp phone?

Icici lombard needs to fix this quick . The humiliation of pulling down your pants for a person who is not a doctor and does not have a icici lombard badge is really shocking. 

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