deadly mutation of swine flu h*n* in india??

So my mom got body pain at 8 am saturday .72 yrs
high fever
loss of sight
loss of memory
loss of motor skills

day 2 102.5 fever
cough and continous sneezing

day 3
did all tests
low wdc 3000
low lympocytes
low neutrophils
h1n1 negative cost 4000+ which means 90% of indian cannot afford it
denguge ns1 negative
malaria negative

too dolo  ,solvin,mox

day 6
redone cbc
all tests normal
most symptoms gone except cough

Sore throat
Stuffy or runny nose
Body aches
shortness of breath,
pain in your belly or sides,
 or confusion
Like the regular flu, swine flu can lead to more serious problems including pneumonia, a lung infection, and other breathing problems. If you have symptoms like
s, such as cough and runny nose, and possibly other symptoms, such as body aches, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Discharge from the nose or eyes
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of appetite
sadly in India we do not have a good CDC would could analyse and label new flu symptoms

Antibiotics won't do anything for you (WRONG)

this is just plain wrong. It was the antibiotics which reduce the chest congestion and cause the pussy phlem to come out .

So wtf was this ??

i fear for those who do not have the means or medicines to keep them alive.
sadly here it is all for themselves we cant depend on the goverment to get an changes

sadly no path lab in india has test for these viruses
  • A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus,
  • A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus and a
  • B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus (B/Victoria lineage).

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