alcros antifungal causing chest pain,during%20their%20treatment%20with%20itraconazole
For this reason, FDA advise to physicians that the patients with impaired left ventricular function must not be treated by itraconazole, but heart failure can also occur in patients with normal left ventricular function as in our patient. The mechanism of congestive heart failure due to itraconazole is undetermined. Qu et al. showed that itraconazole decreased cardiac contractility, which indicated a direct negative inotropic effect upon the heart.[5] It is uncertain whether the heart damage is reversible. They also showed that itraconazole decreased heart rate and coronary flow and prolongation of PR and QRS intervals.

This case shows that itraconazole causes cardiovascular adverse-effects such as heart failure and clinicians must take care on this aspect during their treatment with itraconazole. In addition to this itraconazole should not be prescribed to patients with left ventricular

He notes that fungi are more complex organisms than bacteria and viruses and can be difficult to treat. “They have similar cellular machinery to that of humans. This is why medications that kill fungi often have side effects for people,” Thompson said.,for%20people%2C%E2%80%9D%20Thompson%20said

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